Server settings for TLS 1.2.
In very simple terms, plz, my mail comes thru AOL to TBird. Changing Outgoing/Incoming settings for TLS 1.2, where do I make the changes, in AOL or TBird, or both? Currently the settings were picked up by TBird when I installed it in 2020. On TBird they all include the name AOL. (I get mixed up with words like 3rd party and email client) Thank you
All Replies (17)
Okay I'm stuck at the Export.
One instruction "Open Profile Folder"
Next Blue Button "Export"
Where do I tell it what drive to put the export on?
Sorry, still learning
Okay, At tools>export click the EXPORT button. That opens a folder on your PC. You can save the zip file there or in a different folder if desired. The important thing is to remember the name of the folder. Then download ver 102 and install. It may prompt that the install will overwrite, but that's ok.
David, I've done all of that. There were no emails ready to xfr from aol, so I went there, found the last email you just sent me, resent it to me at TBird, and sorry to say it's just the same :( I appreciate so much all the time and effort you're spending with me, and I really hope you and the others have a solution for this. Funny that only with the emails from the Community, they arrive multiple times. Don't know why.
I am assuming the mail when viewed online all looks normal. I'm not sure what you mean that only messages from the Community arrive multiple times.
As I said, these are drafts that come to my inbox. I open and read them, and they remain bolded in the inbox, so I think they are new. I now manually mark them "read", but leave them in the inbox. Another post comes in (mostly I've been writing to you and the Community), and now the one marked "read" becomes bold again, as well as the new one. It got so confusing that after I mark them "read", I transfer them to a different folder. Upon receiving a new one from you or whomever, one I've already marked "read" and filed away appears in the inbox as new again. It's a new thing and I haven't noticed it with other emails, altho I'm not posting to the same location with those. I assume this will all go away when we fix the problem, but it confuses me when I try to read the latest one.
Am I going to have to remove this version of Tbird and download a completely new one? (groan) I shudder at that thought.
Well, I am out of options. If the account is IMAP, you would lose no messages on a complete reinstall. If you did that, the steps would be: - uninstall thunderbird and remove profile - setup the email account - unzip the profile you backed up earlier. can be unzipped anywhere, but not in thunderbird. - click tools>import>importfromafile>importaddressbook>SQLitedatabasefile and in next window, select the file named abook.sqlite
The a/c is pop, should it be imap? Is there anyone else with an idea?
I don't know if I know enough to be able to do what you said.
I'm so sorry I ever let it update, and I really don't know what to do now.
Okay, I'm going to let this sit for a few weeks. I am an astrologer and Mercury is retrograde right now, not necessarily the best time to be working on this anyway. Somewhere around mid to end May I'll look at it again. Mercury, when it goes direct, has a way of "fixing" things like this, as well as messing things up when it retrogrades. I'll see what I can do for myself, but if by then I haven't sorted it, I'll come back and see if we can get a fresh perspective on it. Thank you David, and others for the help you've given me to date.
Sounds good. Save the message so you can pick up later.
Not quite ready to DO anything yet, but thinking ahead. Since the problem only seems to occur in the INbox, would it be possible to create a new Inbox and delete the current one? Thanks.
Since it is POP, do not delete the folder. I suggest a right-click and select 'repair folder' to fix this.
Where in the program am I when I right click?
Well the right click didn't help. It is a POP. I guess I'm looking at a complete uninstall/reinstall. If you can give me simple straight forward answers, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
I am at a loss, Annette. POP was never a strength of mine. You can recreate the account, but you might lose messages that have been downloaded.
David, here's my plan, please point out a problem if you see one. I plan to export tbird's profile to a usb stick. Then uninstall tbird. Then install a new version of tbird. Then import the profile into it. Will that work?
And how/where do I specify for the export to go to the usb drive?
Okay, if there is a corruption within the profile, it won't work. But try anyway. The tools>export prompts for a location, and you can specify the USB stick there. If nothing works, then my suggestion would be to, with thunderbird not running, copy the Mail\youraccount folder to USB. That would include all the message folders to date. Then delete the current account, recreate it but OMIT the passord so it doesn't retrieve any messages. Then exit thunderbird and copy the saved message folders back to the same place.
David I got past the xport, have installed and uninstalled tbird several times. I goofed and accepted imap at first and then I couldn't get to the screen again to change it to POP. I did copy the profile back into the new install, but none of my data came up, altho when I looked in my C drive, it was all there in the right place. I'm hoping getting back to Pop will let me see the profile data again. I'm starting fresh tomorrow because I'm blotto today and writing from aol site. Thank you for responding.