Lost password.
I have forgotten my password for Thunderbird. I tried to reset it but the recovery phone number is not in service. I have had Thunderbird email for about 20 years without any problems at all. I neglected to update my recovery phone number. My email address is @frontiernet.net. Frontier partnered up with Yahoo and is now and is now FrontierYahoo, thus I began signing into webmail at FrontierYahoo. Yahoo tells me to call Frontier support, but when I discontinued my service with Frontier they closed my account, and they can't access it to help me. Is there any way for me to recover my email. I have tried several password recovery programs but to no avail. Has anyone any suggestions? Thank you.
All Replies (1)
re : Frontier partnered up with Yahoo and is now and is now FrontierYahoo, thus I began signing into webmail at FrontierYahoo.
In thunderbird, is the account using the correct server settings ? See info: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/frontier/SLN4724.html The Password you use to access webmail account would normally be the same as used in Thunderbird for that account. But yahoo may insist on you using a two step verification method, so you may need an app specific password. Generate an app specific password and enter it when asked for password. See here: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/frontier/SLN15241.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFfODI7Udf_uiLHNEYgwyq_YHUy8WPjd5_sk1UYmoZ-yOcMOwdQhiQknHbIurCxQpXG9VPbZlhH941-bnN6SoaAsQFvoUkNdngzc2zirV2j0EuJne56j4lKFKa5T4IEldAy2kXmNmZtY-ZfkEnKzI0ZtNxgS078EqszjmMkCjuL2