delta-search taken over firefox
Hi, after the last reminder to update firefox, this "delta-search" has taken over my firefox.
This is the rubbish that comes up: http://www.delta-search.com/?affID=115892&tt=261112_yh_4812_3&babsrc=HP_ss&mntrId=a883be400000000000008ca98225286d
I have uninstalled and reinstalled firefox countless times. I have read the support reference to this issue in mozilla help, but there is no "babylon" installed on my computer. I have run virus, malware etc...scans which show no bad stuff. I am not savvy enough to know how to get into regedit and change this kind of stuff, although, from the support feedback this does not seem to solve the problem anyway.
I am really desperate now. I am a very long time firefox user and mozilla supporter and I do not know what has happened to my favorite web program.
I would be very, very grateful for some help please, otherwise, I will no longer be able to use firefox. Thank you kindly
All Replies (15)
hello sifimum, in this case please try to reset firefox (this will keep your bookmarks & passwords).
Hi madperson, yes, I have tried this, but didn't work. Thank you kindly for your help
ok, i'm sorry that this couldn't fix the issue already - however you'd need to supply a bit more information/detail on what's going on.
you state that this suspicious site has "taken over" firefox - in which situation is it appearing exactly (as homepage on startup, when you try to search from the homepage/the search bar/the address bar, when you open a new tab, etc.?)
please also go to firefox > help > troubleshooting information, copy the whole contents of that page to the clipboard & then paste it as a reply into your next answer here in the forum. thanks!
Does anything come up if you open the about:config page and search for delta-search with the search at the top of this page?
Hi madperson, yes, this delta-search comes up when I click on my firefox icon whether on the desktop or on the start up bar down the bottom. If I open another tab, it also appears.
Here is the information you requested: (please note where it says browser home/start up page, I put http://google.com.au which is what I usually have or the Sydney Morning Herald, but this delta thing just appears when I start up firefox. This is what I don't understand: it is as if what ever settings I put into firefox, it does nothing. This has never happened before, hence, my distress. thank you kindly again
Application Basics
Name Firefox
Version 18.0.1
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
Build Configuration
Browser Manager 2.5.976.107 false {58bd07eb-0ee0-4df0-8121-dc9b693373df}
DivX Plus Web Player HTML5
General Crawler 2.6 false gencrawler@some.com
Important Modified Preferences
browser.cache.disk.capacity 358400
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max false
browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value 358400
browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 4
browser.startup.homepage http://www.delta-search.com/?affID=115892&tt=261112_yh_4812_3&babsrc=HP_ss&mntrId=a883be400000000000008ca98225286d
browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID 20130116073211
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone 18.0.1
extensions.lastAppVersion 18.0.1
keyword.URL http://www.delta-search.com/?affID=115892&tt=261112_yh_4812_3&babsrc=KW_ss&mntrId=a883be400000000000008ca98225286d&q=
network.cookie.prefsMigrated true
places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages 104858
privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs true
Adapter Description Mobile Intel(R) HD Graphics
Adapter Drivers igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumdx32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32
Adapter RAM Unknown
Device ID 0x0116
Direct2D Enabled Blocked for your graphics driver version.
DirectWrite Enabled false (6.1.7601.17789)
Driver Date 12-30-2010
Driver Version 8.810.4.1000
GPU #2 Active false
GPU Accelerated Windows 1/1 Direct3D 9
Vendor ID 0x8086
WebGL Renderer Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Mobile Intel(R) HD Graphics)
AzureCanvasBackend cairo
AzureContentBackend none
AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none
Incremental GC true
Activated false
Prevent Accessibility 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version
Version in use
NSPR 4.9.4 4.9.4
NSS Basic ECC Basic ECC
Hi cor-el, thank you also for your kind help. I am not familiar with "about:config". I used the link you kindly provided and it came up with a huge amount of data that is meaningless to me; but, this is the stuff that come up when I searched for this delta-search stuff:
browser.search.defaultenginename;Delta Search browser.search.order.1;Delta Search browser.search.selectedEngine;Delta Search browser.startup.homepage;http://www.delta-search.com/?affID=115892&tt=261112_yh_4812_3&babsrc=HP_ss&mntrId=a883be400000000000008ca98225286d keyword.URL;http://www.delta-search.com/?affID=115892&tt=261112_yh_4812_3&babsrc=KW_ss&mntrId=a883be400000000000008ca98225286d&q=
The following group is repeated another 5 times: mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x;100 mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y;100 mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_z;100
Thank you again very, very much for your help
hello the browser manager & general crawler extensions are malware. though they appear to be disabled already, please see if you can remove them from firefox > addons > extensions.
then please install the search reset addon - it will revert the most common customziations those adware programs do in firefox back to the default: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/searchreset/
in case this didn't solve the issue please try this: go to firefox > help > troubleshooting information > profile folder - "show folder", then a new window will open up. in this window look out for a file named user.js (it might be used to overwrite your custom settings). in case it is present , delete or rename this file and restart firefox afterwards.
Hi again. I have to say, I'm learning heaps. I can not delete the browser manager & general crawler from my extensions - only disable it which I have done. The problem is still there.
I have gone into about:config and have found many references to delta-search and "extension babylon" but also can not delete them. When I right click on the line and the little selection menu comes up, I have clicked on 'reset'. This has also not solved the problem.
There are no 'user.js' files on the computer.
I have done more reading on the mozilla support forum and realise to my horror there are add ons that can affect firefox.
I have read that some malware can only be removed when windows is in safe mode.
I am most grateful for all your help, but as I am not a programmer, I will reformat my hard drive. I don't know what else to do. thanks
You should also uninstall the Browser Manager extension (related to Babylon).
See also these threads about Babylon Toolbar and
n the majority of the cases when you have the problem of browser redirection (such as delta-search.com) you need to carry out some manual steps. The best first decision, of course, is to check your browser settings and remove all redirecting proxy IP addresses. Another thing is to check your available add-ons and make sure there's nothing associated with delta-search.com (just remove all such add-ons). However, even this might not be really enough. What you need to do is to implement many other manual steps. I can recommend you to follow these instructions that are free
I had the same problem when Delta Search took over my computer. I got redirected whenever I opened my browser, new tab or wanted to search for anything on the net. That was sooooooo annoying :( I did browse through forums trying to find a solution to the problem but I am not a computer geek so reading long answers with lots of tips and technical aspects were not for me. This is what I found and it worked for me perfectly: I used Spyhunter to remove Delta Search. It also found and removed some Babylon. Anyways, this antivirus solved my problems in less than 15 mins. Thought I will share it here if anyone else needs it :) Good luck, guys!
Never mind all that stuff above, it's really simple. Go to Start>Control panel>uninstall a program (might be under Programs or similar) and look for anything with "Delta" in it in the list of programs - especially Delta tool bar. Highlight it and click on "uninstall" and you're done. Worked for me, anyway.
Had the same problem See this http://info.delta-search.com/uninstall/firefox.html but usually this extension comes bundled with other software (even adware) so it can reinstall itself after restart i think. Here is the guide to remove also
Thanks Michto, I've restarted a couple of times since I removed it, it doesn't seem to have come back yet. I'll keep your link in case it ever comes back.