Feedback on issues moving Thunderbird to new computer - W10 to W11

Moving Thunderbird from an old laptop (W10) to a new laptop (W11). Doing this for a non-computer-literate friend. Old laptop (bought in 2016) is now running W10 but I ass… (ketahui selanjutnya)

Moving Thunderbird from an old laptop (W10) to a new laptop (W11). Doing this for a non-computer-literate friend. Old laptop (bought in 2016) is now running W10 but I assume it was originally W7 and upgraded at some point (by me).

I followed Moving Thunderbird data to a new computer which seemed straightforward. However when I copied the Profile across and restarted Thunderbird there was no data to be seen. I tried again just to be sure, including uninstalling and reinstalling Thunderbird. Still no joy. [There are support threads about this but they seem to be archived so I can't update them.]

Onwards and upwards. I tried the "export to zip file" option. This had a mild warning that if the Profile was more than 3GB it might (!) be better to back up instead. [Noting that I had already tried this and failed - see above.]

It produced the ZIP file eventually, at an impressive 15.8GB. I then tried to restore from it, but the Restore option refused to find it, showing a comment that the file must be not larger than 2GB. I refer the reader back to the note on the Export option.

I then noted that you could Import from another Profile. I had one of those saved from my first attempts to copy Profile -> Profile. So I tried this option and it worked.

I think my issue was that the old version of Thunderbird was 32 bit and the new version was 64 bit. In which case the document linked to above could do with an update to warn about moving from 32 bit to 64 bit and include the method that worked. [Subject to more testing by others to confirm the solution works reliably.]

The Export dialogue could also do with a much more specific warning, to align with the Import dialogue.

This is a brief summary of a very long day because shifting 15.8GB of data around between computers and in and out as well is incredibly tedious! :-( Noting that the ZIP file and the Thunderbird directory tree with the Profile in are both the same size.

Asked by 31 minit lepas


bonjour, mon firefox ne démarre plus, ni en standart ni en administrateur. J'ai essayé une réinstallation, un dépannage, la compatibilité en vain. en mode administrateur … (ketahui selanjutnya)

bonjour, mon firefox ne démarre plus, ni en standart ni en administrateur. J'ai essayé une réinstallation, un dépannage, la compatibilité en vain. en mode administrateur il bloque sur la page des onglets, je ne peux en lancer aucun. merci Cordialement

Asked by Louis Boudin 1 jam lepas

Latest installation freezing on both Desktop and Android phone

Thunderbird on my laptop (Win10pro on an I-7 HP laptop) keeps freezing (not crashing) and after installing on my Android (Moto G7+) the app freezes every single time I … (ketahui selanjutnya)

Thunderbird on my laptop (Win10pro on an I-7 HP laptop) keeps freezing (not crashing) and after installing on my Android (Moto G7+) the app freezes every single time I try to read the QR code on my desktop. Arrrggghhhh, can anyone help? I'm an experience computer user and Thunderbird user for over 20 years and all my other software works fine on both Desktop and Android.

Asked by looppool 1 hari lepas

Firefox add ons not working

I guess there was an update to Firefox today because everything about my browser was a mess! >:( I have always had the Honey and Pinterest pin it buttons on my toolb… (ketahui selanjutnya)

I guess there was an update to Firefox today because everything about my browser was a mess! >:( I have always had the Honey and Pinterest pin it buttons on my toolbar, and they have worked just fine. Now that this nightmare "update" happened, they don't show anymore, even though they are enabled in my settings and all permissions are checked. I am NOT very techy, so please don't reply with a long technical response that requires me to spend an hour trying to fix it. The buttons showed before, so why not now?! Please help! I've cleared cache and cookies, cleared history, everything I can think of and nothing is working. :'( TIA

Asked by kurlikew954 4 hari lepas

Last reply by kurlikew954 2 hari lepas

DAZN NFL account not responding.

This evening I tried to watch my NFL Thursday night football game on my DAZN account. I got a message above the screen that said that FireFox needs to install something… (ketahui selanjutnya)

This evening I tried to watch my NFL Thursday night football game on my DAZN account. I got a message above the screen that said that FireFox needs to install something for me to watch this program. Two hours later it is still saying the same thing. This has never happened before as I watch NFL football throughout the season. Never have had a problem with Firefox until now. What to do??

Asked by rod bass 2 hari lepas

Missing tabs

Lately most times when Firefox updates it wipes my tabs and I have to rebuild them because backing up the tabs won't work so I got in the habit of going to bookmarks and … (ketahui selanjutnya)

Lately most times when Firefox updates it wipes my tabs and I have to rebuild them because backing up the tabs won't work so I got in the habit of going to bookmarks and reloading them from there. Today it not only won't automatically open my tabs but won't let me even load most hand selected tabs. I have been using Mozilla, Netscape Navigator since the early days with no other problems except this. I have been using Avast Premium Security on windows 10 and it reports no problems. I will have to check one of my Linux machines because Firefox won't open the tab for Hotmail. Any help will be appreciated.


Asked by Lou Gervais 3 hari lepas

Samsung s24 ultra

[Ustawienia/system] Po aktualizacji oprogramowania czemu samsung nie prosi o miękki reset w celu optymalizacji aplikacji I gdy aplikacje mają problem z działaniem muszę … (ketahui selanjutnya)


Po aktualizacji oprogramowania czemu samsung nie prosi o miękki reset w celu optymalizacji aplikacji I gdy aplikacje mają problem z działaniem muszę uruchomić ponownie i włącza się wówczas optymalizacja aplikacji. I potem wszystko działa bardzo dobrze z powrotem. Mam nadzieję, że to poprawicie

26.06, 1:49 AM

Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie nam raportu o błędzie. Pomaga nam to lepiej zrozumieć Twoje doświadczenia i wprowadzać ulepszenia do naszych produktów i usług. Przekażemy go do naszych ekspertów w celu sprawdzenia i wyślemy aktualizację zaraz po weryfikacji.

05.07, 2:28 PM

Dzień dobry, Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie.

Przepraszamy za niedogodności związane z długim czasem oczekiwania na odpowiedź.

Podczas sprawdzania pliku dziennika odkryliśmy, że aplikacja org.mozilla.firefox ma błąd braku pamięci, przez co system wymagał miękkiego resetu w celu zoptymalizowania aplikacji. Jest to nietypowe zachowanie aplikacji i musi zostać wykryte przez właściciela aplikacji. Jest to więc problem z aplikacją i powinien zostać sprawdzony przez producenta aplikacji.

Pozdrawiam, Zespół Samsung Members

07.11, 3:38 PM

English wersion:


After software update why doesn't samsung ask for soft reset to optimize apps And when apps have problems working I have to restart and then app optimization turns on. And then everything works very well again. I hope you can fix this

06/26, 1:49AM

Thanks for reporting the bug report to us. It helps us better understand your experience and make improvements to our products and services. We will forward it to our experts for review and send an update right after verification.

07/05, 2:28PM

Good day, Thanks for reporting.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the long response time.

While checking the log file, we found that the application org.mozilla.firefox has an out of memory error, which required a soft reset of the system to optimize the application. This is an unusual application behavior and needs to be detected by the application owner. So, this is an application issue and should be investigated by the application developer.

Best regards, Samsung Members Team

07.11, 3:38PM

Asked by Andrzej Jajko 3 hari lepas