Crashing issue+ copy/ paste issue
Dear all, I am facing two serious bug issues: 1) on many www pages I am facing serious issue (e.g. www.makezine.com , but also on almost all others I was browsing). After approx 20 sec to several minutes firefox browser close itself and home android page appear. There is no error message at all 2) once I copy any text outside firefox browser, then I not end it to any text field on Web page opened under firefox browser, there is no way to paste it
Can you please fix these bugs? My smartphone is samsung galaxy s5, android v 4.2 (kitkat) Thanks.
All Replies (20)
For 2: Make sure that you are long tapping into the place that you want to paste: How to copy and paste in Android
When it does not paste: navigate to the clipboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hnfnvoDn88 It is located in your keyboard.
As for the crashes, are there crash reports on the page: about:crashes? If so, click submit and copy the last 5 entries that start with "bp" into a response and we can investigate the crashes.
For 2: unfortunately the paste option does not work under firefox running under android 4.4.2. Long press as wel as way through keyboard dods not offer option to paste text, which was copied right before. My cell is samsung galaxy s5.
https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-5456dc39-5af8-439b-a1f6-49f032150114 Hi olsi the above Url was copied and pasted from about:crashes to support.Mozilla.org on my galaxy S5 running Android 4.4.2.
Which site were you copying and pasting to and from?
The site where copy/paste function does not work under firefox is www.email.cz. I have mailbox there. Since i log-in to my email account on www.email.cz and start new email, when I intend to paste any text to message field (text which I copied right before on the same site or anywhere else), the choice paste is ot available booth by long press nor keyboard way. When I did the same via opera browser, it was working fine (I had still copied text in clipboard and just did longpress, paste option appeared immediately) therefore problem is just with firefox. During this action firefox crashed with errorr message "we are sorry..." templase. I filled in this template and submitted to firefox approx 15 minutes ago independently on this post.
Hi Olsi:
I can paste into the user id field of email.cz.
See this screenshot for the combined copy/paste icon (also attached to this forum reply):
1. When you write "the choice paste is ot available booth by long press nor keyboard way." do you mean you are not seeing the combined copy and paste icon ?
I've tried to file a bug on this i.e. "Firefox should display the word 'paste' as well as a combined copy/paste aka "clipboard" icon, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1086933 but I was told that there's no need for a "paste" button since there is a combined copy/paste aka clipboard button
2. Does Firefox for Android crash every time you try to paste into email.cz? If so I will file a bug for you.
thanks for your continued patience with my questions, happy weekend!
Hi Roland, thank you very much for your answer. I see your point. You did long press in log-in field on www.email.cz ( I did the same and it works fine also for me). But if you create your new email account on www.email.cz, then if you start write new email there, then if you do long press in text field for email-text-body, then you will not be able paste any text from clipboard. I can send you sequence of screenshots where you can see that no paste option is available thrre at all. However if I leave firefox and go to opera browser, then log-in to my email account on www.email.cz, then start new email message, then do long press in message text field, the paste option pop-up normally and clipboard content is pasted there.
I prefer to use Firefox browser only thanks to great functions compare to other browsers, however the paste issue and frequent random crashes needs to be still resolved
Hi again olsi
- You wrote: "I can send you sequence of screenshots where you can see that no paste option is available thrre at all. " Please take the time to post these screenshots. That would be wonderful and help us debug the problem. It sounds to me like either a problem with email.cz not using web standards (There are many mobile sites that fail on Firefox because of hardcoding for iPad and iPhone and other browsers which we call 'web compatibility'; we have a whole website for filing web compatibility bugs at https://webcompat.com/ ) or a bug in Android or a bug in Firefox.
- Re:crashing Please copy and paste the crashids into a reply and I'll file a bug for you (if you can't copy and paste just post a screenshot of the about:crashes page) The instructions are as guigs2 wrote:
As for the crashes, are there crash reports on the page: about:crashes? If so, click submit and copy the last 5 entries that start with "bp" into a response and we can investigate the crashes.
Hi Roland, Can you please advise me how to join jpeg screenshots to this post? Is there some email address where I can send discussed screenshots? Thank you very much in advance
Using the desktop view of the site yoi should be able to add images.
hi olsi,
Unfortunately we don't do email support nor do we offer a way to post images here via email (it would be great to update this website with images via email!)
kbrosnan as always :-) is right, please use the desktop version of this site add images (Open the support.mozilla.org menu and then tap 'Switch to desktop site').
cheers again!
Dear all, If needed, i can provide you detailed comment to each screen shot, btw briefly: the point is that on screenshots #3 and #4 you can see that clipboard icon is available, but by exetuting "clipboard icon" the firefox ignore already copies text placed in clipboard and just again DO copy currently newly selected text. Copy text confirmation you can see on #5. On #6 I went to opera/www.email.cz/mailbox/new message/ longpress/ paste icon appeared/ text which was copied in firefox before is now pasted here normally (#7). On #8 you can see that in firefox/ www.email.cz/ log-in fields the paste function works normally, therefore firefox behavoir is different here (!).
- 9 shows crash logs numbers
Hi olsi:
- 1. crashids - I'll reply first about the crashids. Thanks! I will file bugs about these 3 crash ids tomorrow!
Hi olsi:
- 2. steps to reproduce crash problem as per your screenshots
- i) highlight text "display the word 'paste'..."
- ii) copy the text
- iii) long press on 'Aaa' and then 'Aaa" is selected
- iv) tap on combined clipboard copy/paste icon and the text 'Aaa' is copied instead the desired behaviour which is to paste "display the word 'paste'..."
- 3. to fix this, the workaround I believe is to do the following instead of 2 iv):
- iv) tap on the checkmark icon first to make sure 'Aaa' is not selected and then long press and use the combined clipboard copy/paste icon to paste (or on some devices a Paste icon instead of the combined clipboard copy/paste icon will be shown and you can use this Paste icon). I found this workaround here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1086933#c7:
"The "Paste" popup is finicky in the URLBar. Because you had a selection already, we show the ActionBar. If you would have cleared the URLBar selection and then long-pressed, you would have seen the "Paste" popup."
Again olsi thanks for your patience and please let us know if the workaround 3 iv) works
Hi Roland, thanks a lot for your reply. Unfortulately your suggestion does not work. On screenshots you can see that there is no way to paste anythyng from clipboard to email text body field. On screenshot of www.email.cz/new message you can see three text fields. First is for email address. Here only paste option is allowed. Second is for email subject. Here booth copy+paste options are allowed. The third text field os for email body. Here is just copy option alloved. What is strange, e.g. the opera android browser ignores these restrictions. Under opera browser the copy&paste options works fine in all fields. I do believe (and I would very appreciate) that firefox browser needs to be fixed or upgraded to reach the same functionality like opera browser. Now I am not in full page mode then screenshots I'll post separately.
Hi Roland, the first seven screenshots shows that no url field is available on "www.email.cz/new email event" and also that via keyboard the clipboard icon is doing nothing even the paste action is expected. Remaining shots except last one shows specifics for every single text field asmentioned in previous post. The last shot shows that outside "new message" text field is possible to view that is clipboard plenty of copied objects (not just text but also pictures and screenshots). I guess we are facingan firefox software issue.
Have a nice day and thanks a lot for your support
Hi olsi and kbrosnan. I filed two bugs; the 1st one already had a bug as kevin noted (see below)
kbrosnan said
The crash IDs from https://support.cdn.mozilla.net/media/uploads/images/thumbnails/2015-01-18-19-42-27-9e1d1e.png are
Hi olsi:
One last thing to try: This copy and issue appears to have started for youin Firefox 34. Have you tried FF35? If not please try FF35 for Android and let us know what you find. I doubt FF35 for Android fixes the issue but you never know.
You wrote: "I do believe (and I would very appreciate) that firefox browser needs to be fixed or upgraded."
Yes I agree there is a subtle issue here between the Android Operating system and the Samsung S5 (it might not occur on other Android devices as much because of Samsung's customizations to Android). Once I have figured out the subtleties better I will file a bug. Not sure whether the development team will accept it since they seem to think the combined copy paste button is good enough (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1086933#c7 ) but it's worth in shot especially if I can find some more subtle nuances that are different from that bug.
Hello Roland, Thanks a lot for your answer. Unfortunately FF 45 does not solve copy/paste issue as well. Because there is no working solution and no way how to paste clipboard content to email body text field (also https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1086933#c7 does not solving disused copy/paste issue on galaxy s5), can you please file a bug to the firefox development team? Thank you very much in advance Have a nice day Oldrich
Hi olsi:
I definitely will file the bug. Note that the bug that I filed that was rejected, bug 1089633 , was filed because of what I saw on the S5. So perhaps it is a bug specific to the Samsung customizations of Android (which Samsung calls TouchWiz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TouchWiz)
I will post the bug link here when I file it! update: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1124068