Please help with Sync
my firefox account is Parshoo@gmail.com befor reinstall windos i forget check box bookmark in my account and only check password now after install new windos only save password are load and lost my bookmark ! how restor my bookmark i dont any backup from bookmark
please help me !
All Replies (1)
If you didn't have Bookmarks selected in Sync options, your bookmarks weren't sync'd. Bookmarks are selected by default, so you must have deselected bookmarks. Sorry, without a backup yout bookmarks are gone,
Overall, it sounds like you are using Firefox Sync as a back up service. This is not what Sync is designed to do. The Firefox Sync service takes a copy of the data you wish to include and transfers it to a second device (typically a mobile device such as a tablet or a telephone) running a copy of Firefox. The storage in between all attached devices is both temporary and fragile and is not stable enough to be (and is not designed as) a reliable backup service.
If you have a copy of your Firefox profile for desktop Firefox, you may be able to recover your bookmarks and other data. Please have a read of this article.
If you have a copy of your data on a mobile version of Firefox, please follow these instructions to connect it to Firefox Sync to copy your data.