how can I block emails that have no senders address
Hi I am getting around 30 - 50 emails a day I suspect from the same source about various things like Car insurance , supermarket vouchers , loans etc. These emails have no senders address so I can not create a filter to delete them . Is there another way to stop these emails from being received .
All Replies (1)
re :Is there another way to stop these emails from being received . The server just accepts what it is sent. Some servers have 'Spam' controls to stop emails being accepted if they are persistant abusers.
Message Filters are really designed to help manage good emails, eg: move specific messages to specific folders.
There are so many variations when it comes to 'spam' or as Thunderbird calls it 'JUNK', you are best advised to forget Message Filters and use the built in 'Junk controls'. Have you set up your Junk controls in Thunderbird to deal with Junk? Have you trained the Junk controls to recognise what is and what not Junk?
There may be an email address in the Source code, but this is not exactly reliable as some nefarious people do not use their email address, they hijack someone elses and abuse it, so you cannot rely on the issue being from a particular email address.