I want Thunderbird to open links in emails in new window, not tabs
I've never liked tabs; give me a new window every time. That said, is there a way to change Thunderbird so that, when I click a link in an email, it opens in a new window instead of a new tab? Thanks.
PS I'm using Chrome & Windows 8.1
All Replies (9)
How links open in your browser is a function of the browser. Thunderbird just hands it off to your default browser. I do not use Chrome but Firefox has an option to open a tab instead of a new window. Look through the options in Chrome.
Thanks for the info; I didn't know that.
However, I'm trying to go from tabs to windows, not windows to tabs. I already have my Chrome browser set to give me windows only. And it works: no tabs at all.
Except when I click a link in my email. Then I get tabs.
I checked all the settings in Thunderbird, hoping for a solution, but found nothing.
Gone through every choice under setting sin Chrome and found nothing. Except the one that gives me new windows instead of tabs in my browser, but that was already activated and has no effect on Thunderbird.
That is the same option listed in Firefox. It says Open new windows in a new tab instead. When checked it opens in the current window but a new tab. When unchecked a completely new window opens.
Right. I have it set to open new windows, not tabs. It works for Chrome fine: all windows, no tabs. It does not work for Thunderbird: still getting tabs instead of windows.
A quick Google search for an answer seems to indicate that Chrome cannot do this. The page I linked to suggests to right click and select Open in a new window. Another says hold shift when clicking a link. https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/o4o0pKc04d0;context-place=topicsearchin/chrome/category$3Amac%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false You can research this one on Chrome forums since it has nothing to do with Thunderbird. It did it's part and passed the link to your browser. This works in Firefox if you are not set on using Chrome.
Yes, since you said it was a Chrome thing and not a Thunderbird thing, I did head over to the Chrome forum & am awaiting an answer. Thanks, I wouldn't have realized it was Chrome's problem without your answer.
As for Firefox, I like it very much. It was my browser of choice. Then one day, it stopped working without explanation. It won't even open anymore. Re-downloading it didn't fix it, and no one in the forums could help me, so I removed it and switched to Chrome.
So returning to Firefox is out.
>>The page I linked to suggests to right click and select Open in a new window. Another says hold shift when clicking a link.
Just FYI, neither of those things work. I was happy to try them, but they just open up new tabs (Open in new window isn't even a choice; just Open in browser. Which is a new tab). So maybe, as you said, it can't be done.
whatsitsgalore said
So returning to Firefox is out.
I just had a look at you old topic and I don't think anyone could help you because the problem was most likely not Firefox. What anti virus do you use?