New user being asked for password and it being ignored
I downloaded and set up Thunderbird yesterday, using 31.8 as instructed here as I was changing from desktop Outlook: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/switching-thunderbird#w_importing-from-outlook-and-eudora, however I downloaded the latest version from the website after importing as the built-in update mechanism seemed to think it was up to date.
I managed to set up my email account; it was able to receive incoming mail yesterday. However today when I opened it to check for new emails it asked me for my password. When I input the password, the box disappears, but reappears when I try to do anything. I checked my online inbox and I recieved mail this morning which isn't appearing in Thunderbird.
Although I did input the wrong password twice (I had to change it recently and got confused), it won't recognise the correct one either. (I checked online that it was definitely the correct one.) I've looked at "saved passwords" but there are none in the list to delete or change, even though I'm clicking "use password manager to remember this password".
My mail client is Easily (mail.easily.uk). The only add-in I've added is "manually sort folders", which I added yesterday.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, when I ran Thunderbird in troubleshooting mode, my new mail showed up without being asked for a password.
All Replies (8)
Do you have a password vault elsewhere? Like in your anti virus program.
I haven't set one up with my antivirus. I just checked my Google account to see if it was one of the ones that got automatically saved before I turned that option off, and it isn't. I can't think where else might have saved it.
I discovered just now that the password is showing up (correctly) on the list of saved passwords in troubleshooting mode. But when I turn off troubleshooting mode, the list is empty again and I'm asked for the password again and again.
Please post your Troubleshooting Information.
At the top right of the Thunderbird window, click the menu button , then select Help > Troubleshooting Information.
Press the "Copy text to clipboard button" and paste the information into your reply.
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 91.1.1 Build ID: 20210916142849 Distribution ID:
Update Channel: release User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.1.1 OS: Windows_NT 10.0 19043
Launcher Process: Enabled Multiprocess Windows: 0/0 Fission Windows: 0/0 Disabled by safe mode Remote Processes: 1 Enterprise Policies: Inactive Google Location Service Key: Missing Google Safebrowsing Key: Missing Mozilla Location Service Key: Missing Safe Mode: true
Mail and News Accounts
account1: INCOMING: account1, , (imap) mail.easily.uk:143, 2, 3 OUTGOING: , mail.easily.uk:587, 2, 3, true
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, 0, 3
Calendar Settings
Name Value
Name: Type: storage Disabled: true Username: URI: Refresh Interval: Read-only: Suppress Alarms: Cache Enabled: iMIP Identity: id1 iMIP Disabled: iMIP Account: Organiser Id: Force Email Scheduling: Popup Alarms Supported: Alarms on Invitation Supported: Max Alarms Per Event: Attachment Supported: Max Categories: Privacy State Supported: Priority Supported: true Event Supported: Task Supported: Local Time Supported: UTC/GMT Supported: Auto-Scheduling Supported:
Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
Remote Processes
Type: Count
Web Content: 1 / 8
Name Type Version Enabled ID
Amazon.co.uk extension 1.1 true amazon@search.mozilla.org
Bing extension 1.0 true bing@search.mozilla.org
Chambers (UK) extension 1.0 true chambers-en-GB@search.mozilla.org
DuckDuckGo extension 1.0 true ddg@search.mozilla.org
Google extension 1.0 true google@search.mozilla.org
Wikipedia (en) extension 1.0 true wikipedia@search.mozilla.org
Manually sort folders extension 2.1.0 false tbsortfolders@xulforum.org
Security Software
Type: Name
Antivirus: McAfee VirusScan Antispyware: Firewall: McAfee Firewall
Features Compositing: Basic Asynchronous Pan/Zoom: wheel input enabled; scrollbar drag enabled; keyboard enabled; autoscroll enabled; smooth pinch-zoom enabled WebGL 1 Driver WSI Info: - WebGL 1 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled. WebGL 1 Driver Version: - WebGL 1 Driver Extensions: - WebGL 1 Extensions: - WebGL 2 Driver WSI Info: - WebGL 2 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled. WebGL 2 Driver Version: - WebGL 2 Driver Extensions: - WebGL 2 Extensions: - Target Frame Rate: 60 DirectWrite: true (10.0.19041.1165)
GPU #1 Active: Yes Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x5916 Driver Version: Driver Date: 2-28-2018 Drivers: igdumdim64 igd10iumd64 igd10iumd64 igd12umd64 igdumdim32 igd10iumd32 igd10iumd32 igd12umd32 Subsys ID: 00000000 RAM: 0
GPU #2 Active: No RAM: 0
Decision Log HW_COMPOSITING: available by defaultblocked by runtime: Acceleration blocked by safe-mode D3D11_COMPOSITING: unavailable by default: Hardware compositing is disabled DIRECT2D: unavailable by default: Direct2D requires Direct3D 11 compositing D3D11_HW_ANGLE: unavailable by default: D3D11 compositing is disableddisabled by env: D3D11 compositing is disabled GPU_PROCESS: available by defaultblocked by runtime: Safe-mode is enabled WEBRENDER: available by defaultunavailable-in-safe-mode by runtime: Safe-mode is enabled WEBRENDER_QUALIFIED: available by default WEBRENDER_COMPOSITOR: available by defaultunavailable by runtime: No DirectComposition usage WEBRENDER_SHADER_CACHE: available by defaultunavailable by runtime: WebRender disabled WEBRENDER_OPTIMIZED_SHADERS: available by defaultunavailable by runtime: WebRender disabled WEBRENDER_ANGLE: available by defaultunavailable-no-angle by runtime: ANGLE is disabled WEBRENDER_DCOMP_PRESENT: available by defaultunavailable by runtime: Requires ANGLE WEBRENDER_SOFTWARE: available by defaultunavailable-in-safe-mode by runtime: Safe-mode is enabled OMTP: disabled by default: Disabled by defaultblocked by runtime: OMTP blocked by safe-mode WEBGPU: disabled by default: Disabled by defaultunavailable-no-webrender by runtime: WebGPU can't present without WebRender
Crash Guard Disabled Features
Failure Log
Audio Backend: wasapi Max Channels: 2 Preferred Sample Rate: 48000 Roundtrip latency (standard deviation): NaNms (NaN)
Output Devices
Name Group Vendor State Preferred Format Channels Rate Latency
Headphones (OneOdio A30 Stereo) BTHENUM\{0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b
I don't see anything unusual in your list of installed add-ons. However, you appear to use McAfee anti-virus, which is known to have caused problems with Thunderbird in the past. Did McAfee install any kind of add-ons in Thunderbird? If so, remove them. Is there anything enabled in McAfee which might auto-fill passwords?
As a troubleshooting step, try to start Windows 10 in safe mode with networking enabled.
Does the problem go away?
I've had a look through my McAfee settings--I never set up Password Manager, and I can't find anything else which might be autofilling my password. I temporarily disabled firewall and antivirus, since they're listed as Thunderbird addons, but that didn't solve the problem.
When I started in Safe Mode with Networking, it didn't ask me for my password, but got a box on the bottom right-hand corner saying could not connect to the server.
Could this be caused by a network problem? I've got an issue connecting with my wireless printer at the moment. (No idea when that started, as I rarely use it.)
Yes, that looks like a networking problem. Can you confirm you did start Windows in safe mode with networking enabled? If you use a WLAN connection this may not work in safe mode. So a wired connection would be preferred.