feature request
Sometimes we browse with a task in mind and we have to visit many web pages. Often, we can't finish the task and have to leave it for later. For example: ra esearch on possible master's degrees in universities. At least for me, that implies having several tabs open, for comparison purposes. Most likely we will want to open those same tabs again in two weeks, when we have time on the task again. I don't know if there is a function that allows you to save a browsing session, so to speak, so that in the future you can reopen those pages in the same tab order in which you left them. If this function already exists, I would like to know more about it, please. If it doesn't exist, I'm sure many users will like it.
All Replies (1)
Hola, No recuerdo algo tal como lo comentas pero puedes crear una carpeta en los marcadores y agregar todas estas paginas allí y cuando la necesitas solo buscas esa carpeta haz clic y aparece un menú desplegable con todos los marcadores y la ultima opcion dice "abrir todos en pestañas"
Si se ha resuelto la consulta agradeceríamos marcar como solucionada para que sirva a otros usuarios. ¡Gracias!