TB128.0.1esr error - Authentication failure while connecting to server pop3.live.com
After downloading TB128.0.1esr (32-bit) the following error appears continously"
Authentication failure while connecting to server pop3.live.com
This was not an issue before this download!
All Replies (2)
Not sure this is very helpful, but have you seen https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/error-we-couldnt-connect-to-your-microsoft-account/6036fb8f-1b21-4254-b000-4dd7ec2b9f41 or, since live.com is provided by microsoft, have you searched for similar reports about outlook?
Use these settings: incoming POP outlook.office365.com, 995, SSL/TLS, OAuth2, email address; outgoing smtp.office365.com, 587, STARTTLS, OAuth2, email address. Same for IMAP, except incoming port 993.