test on HTC HD2 Windows Mobil 6.5
Install Alpha 3 worked fine, but afterwards I was not able to call any Website, (other install Browsers are working)
And my Camera wasn't starting up any more, so I uninstalled - and the Camera was working again.
Remark: I was hopeing, that I get a nice AJAX supporting Browser, to run some GI (General Interface) Pages
Extensions installed:
All Replies (6)
Thanks for the feedback. We have a known issue with the HD2 and are working with HTC to resolve it. Stay tuned.
Has the problem been resolved ? Everyone is waiting with baited breath for a fire fox on this mob. I.E not worth using Opera a load of crap. Please we need a decent browser
We are no longer developing Firefox for Windows Mobile, in order to focus our efforts on Nokia Maemo and Google Android:
Sorry! We would like to bring Firefox to as many phones as we can. If Microsoft decides to continue to support native C/C++ code on its Windows Phone OS, then we will revisit our decision.
Hi, I understand that Microsoft are complete A-holes. But and this is the big BUT, Fire fox should consider it and this is why. Nokia have year on year lost ground look at Q1 2010 and while meamo is structured around Linux (I had a N810 internet tablet) the client base and developer base is not even 24%of the overall market. (they claim 34% they wish this isn't 1999 ) As for android it's so new, Google would have to spend a advertising&marketing budget twice or three times of that it already spends at the moment just to capture 10% of the world market I mean a Tv campaign like no other. It launched Chrome how many people adopted that ? I did for about 3 days then I ran uninstall. (not for me) So why, Microsoft? M/s is now part of the evoked set when it comes to the computer consumer use. (love or hate them FACT) Apple well that's a running joke, (Thanks S.J, cant wait for the next seasons instalment, better than Friends by far) only the vain and teens use his Iphone, as they share the same trait (both can't multi task) I'm not a M/s fan far from it, but what it comes down to, is logistics if I buy M/s I can find software it everywhere even the local shop and my existing software works (albeit with bugs.) Please don't lose out. Remember a certain idiot said "The Internet, Ahh that well never take off" Bill. G Or Big. Goof
window mobile phone can support firefox[mozila]...its...support on my htc hd2....dun...worry.....uu...download.....xda....develop ...on phone....and .... change ...ur....software.....into....sbp shell 5.0...u...can...get...firefox...on...ur..phone'........ok