In E-Bay auctions why won't the photos load?
I am running Vista Home Basic and cannot see pictures listed in individual auctions on E-Bay. I can see pics when I do a search but when I click on the auction there is no picture. Javascript is enabled too! Also, MYSpace does not seem to be displaying properly.
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== Not sure, been going on for at least a couple of weeks now.
All Replies (2)
texttext Hello, this is Shannon again. (The original poster with the problem). I tried all of these things that are recommended in the link you left, though I do appreciate your efforts.
I'm extremely frustrated because Mozilla is my default browser, but because I have a problem with E-Bay, which I'm on every day, and My Space, which I'm also on every day, I would really like to get this problem solved as soon as possible. Please? I'm hoping someone can help me with this...hopefully very soon!
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to offer their assistance.