Problem scrolling on Thinkpad X200 in Firefox 4, RC2
I just upgraded to Firefox 4 RC2. In the new version, I am unable to scroll up and down on a webpage using the scroll button on my Thinkpad X200. I never had this problem in previous versions of Firefox, and the scoll button works fine in other applicataions.
All Replies (3)
I've got the same problem, but just fixed it.
My condition: windows xp, thinkpad x60, firefox 4.0 (downloaded today)
My solution: Download the latest trackpoint driver and install it again. The scroll button should work like a charm. http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/migr-62938.html
Hope this helps!
The only workaround I've found, and I think it works on every machine, is disabling the smooth scroll in firefox settings. Also, you should enable scroll in the hidden settings of the firefox. How to do this? Open a new tab and enter the address about:config. In the filter box enter "general", go to general.autoScroll and give it a "true" value by double clicking on it if it is "false".
I am not sure what type of trackpoint the X200 has but if it is the ALPS one the solution presented in the linked forum thread below might help:
Looking at other threads it seems that the problem experienced with the Synaptics often is solved by just updating the drivers (this did NOT work with the ALPS one though).