My Military web site requires a certificate. My certificate that is loaded on mycard reader is a .cer file , foxfire wants a pkcs12 file so I can't load my certificate in foxfire.Why does foxfire not accept my .cer ?
When I try to go to web sight https://sscc-fe-03.med.navy.mil/EXCHANGE I get the message "this page requires a client certificate. I have a Activcard card reader hooked up to USB port with my security inserted. I try to import my certificate into foxfire and it will only accept a pkcs12 file and my certificate is a .cer file. All the checks I do on my card reader show it is working properly and my security card works fine when on work computer but at home I have this problem. How can I get foxfire to accept my .cer certificate when I try to import it or read it off my card reader? Thanks
All Replies (1)
I am running Firefox 12.0. It is not able to import the p12 files which wasn't a problem on the older versions or IE. The error message is either:
PKCS#12 operation failed for unknown reasons
Failed to decode the file. Either it is not in PKCS#12 format, has been corrupted, or the password you entered was incorrect
The p12 file I am using is from a certificate test suite from the department of defense. and the file works fine on IE.