Any shadow created in an iWeb site is pouched with latest upgrade. What happened?
the latest "security" upgrade that came out in the last week distroys any shadows created for images in an iWeb created site. In the original upgrade to Firefox 5 they were fine. They are still fine in Safari and even work in Internet Explorer. What happened? Here are some examples...
This is a huge problem. Please respond as soon as possible.
All Replies (7)
Firefox isn't interpreting the Javascript file correctly. Or, iWeb doesn't write it in a way that Firefox likes. Anybody have an idea how to alter this so Firefox will display it correctly? Link to page with problem" http://jloseff.com/McIntyre.html
Here's the JS code on the server:
// Created by iWeb 3.0.3 local-build-20110612
setTransparentGifURL('Media/transparent.gif');function applyEffects() {var registry=IWCreateEffectRegistry();registry.registerEffects({shadow_0:new IWShadow({blurRadius:10,offset:new IWPoint(4.2426,4.2426),color:'#000000',opacity:0.750000}),shadow_1:new IWShadow({blurRadius:10,offset:new IWPoint(4.2426,4.2426),color:'#000000',opacity:0.750000})});registry.applyEffects();} function hostedOnDM() {return false;} function onPageLoad() {loadMozillaCSS('McIntyre_files/McIntyreMoz.css') adjustLineHeightIfTooBig('id1');adjustFontSizeIfTooBig('id1');adjustLineHeightIfTooBig('id2');adjustFontSizeIfTooBig('id2');adjustLineHeightIfTooBig('id3');adjustFontSizeIfTooBig('id3');adjustLineHeightIfTooBig('id4');adjustFontSizeIfTooBig('id4');adjustLineHeightIfTooBig('id5');adjustFontSizeIfTooBig('id5');fixAllIEPNGs('Media/transparent.gif');fixupIECSS3Opacity('id6');applyEffects()}
Before the security update from last week Firefox never had a problem interpreting anything. Now Internet Explorer does a better job sorry to say.
What do I do with all the code?
Dave, The code I posted isn't a fix. It is the code iWeb currently writes. I'm hoping some Mozilla developer can shed some light on this. I have the same problem. Hundreds of photos on people's sites that display funky in Firefox 5 because I used iWeb and added a drop shadow. The only current fix is to bring them up in iWeb again and eliminate the shadow. Maybe Firefox 5.0.1 will fix this mess...
Try posting at the Web Development / Standards Evangelism forum at MozillaZine. The helpers over there are more knowledgeable about web page development issues with Firefox.
You'll need to register and login to be able to post in that forum.
That problem only seems to exist in Firefox 5. All other (older and newer) Firefox versions do not show that problem. So this may very well be a bug in Firefox 5.
We have got the same problem with iWeb 3.0.3 (501) and Firefox 5.0 on our macbook and our pc. http://psychotherapie-scheich.de/Startseite.html
That is unfortunately a bug (Bug 662898) that slipped into Firefox 5 and that will be fixed in Firefox 6, due to be released in August.
- /questions/843162
- /questions/841539 Graphics created in iWeb not showing correctly (black border instead of shadow)