upgraded to 6.0 and View->PageSource (^U) is not in the drop down menu for View anymore, how do I get that back into the drop down menu?
just started using the upgradeed FF, so far, the drop down menu for View not containing PageSource (^U) anymore is all I have noticed that is different from before the upgrade; can use ^U, but, if did not know ^U was the shortcut key I would be spinning my wheels for a while...
running on windowsXP
thanks for your help, russellholder@earthlink.net
All Replies (5)
You can now find this in the "Tools" menu, in the "Web Developer" section:
Tools -> Web Developer -> Page Source
You may have an extension installed which broke the {Ctrl + U} keyboard shortcut for View Page Source, as it still works for me in Firefox 6.0 with a fresh Profile. Plus it is available from the main Context menu when you right-click on a web page.
Also, if you have the Menu Bar hidden and can't see the Tools menu, you can hit the orange Firefox button, then open Web Developer to see the View Page Source menu item.
true true... it's there... moved from previous version... don't like new location... takes 2 clicks to get there now... can the drop down menus be modified???
CTRL + U still works... but... if did not know CTRL + U yielded PageSource would be lost with version 6
true true... under tools->webDeveloper drop down menu... don't like that... takes 2 clicks to get there now... can the drop down menus be modified by the user?
ah so, right click on the page... now... that works for me... but again, if did not know to right click on the page would be lost with version 6
Almost every menu item shows the keyboard command for that specific menu item, if there is one. The Web Developer menu shows 4 menu items and their corresponding keyboard commands. How much easier can Mozilla make it for users to see and know about those kb commands?
Sorry, I just can't relate to the "number of clicks" it takes to open menu items, I use keyboard commands where they exist, and have had the Menu Bar hidden since like Firefox 0.8 or 0.9 and have used the {Alt + M} combo to open the Menu Bar menu (provided by the Compact Menu extension or similar).
As far as discovering the Context menu item for that, you're either a "right-clicker" or you're not. It's second nature for "us" to look there for what may help us get our work done more efficiently.