How do I put my Bookmarks in alphabetical order?
How do I put my Bookmarks in alphabetical order?
All Replies (10)
First of all, I think it's really lazy when people just post links instead of answering the dang question.
Especially when the links, like those above, are long-winded and never get to the point.
Here's a MUCH easier way to do it: click on Bookmarks tab, then in drop-down menu right-click on Bookmarks Toolbar and you'll get another drop-down which includes the option "Sort by name", click it.
Then click on Bookmarks tab again and a little further below the Bookmarks Toolbar you'll see Recently Added Bookmarks.
You right-click on that and again you get that "Sort by name" option.
Click on it and your bookmarks will be sorted!
As you add new ones all the time, you can just keep sorting the Recently Added Bookmarks every so often.
And THAT kids, is the CORRECT way to answer a question! xxxxxx
[added some line breaks to improve the readability -c ]
Thank YOU!!!! Yes, that is the correct way to answer a question! Again, thank you! FireFox need to make this process easier, like it is in IE.....oh I hate that browser...
A couple of CR's (sometimes called the enter or carriage return key) would help separate your paragraphs and make reading the answer easier.
I agree that a link is NOT always the best answer.
You might need to add that the sort by name only works on uncovered web pages. Those sites inside a folder need to have a right click on the folder name then you can sort by name those also.
Excellent!!! Thank u!
Thank you so very much! Very helpful!
what is the Macintosh equivalent of a right click ?
Thank you so much!!! for posting this information. i have been trying to figure this out forever and just now searched the blogs. I did it in 2 seconds!!! thank you again for getting to the point!!!