When i want search, I have '404 Not Found nginx'. Why I can't search?
When I attempt to search anything, I get this page
404 Not Found nginx
All Replies (4)
Which search-engine are you trying to use ?
If you use the integrated search-bar, have you verified, that the search-engines are correctly configured in Firefox, i.e., that the URLs are correct? You can access these options by hitting the small triangle to the left of the input-field, where you enter your search-strings. Choose the menu-command Manage Search Engines... Of course, you must know how the very search-engine, that you try to use, constructs its search-line.
It may be the simplest solution to just visit the site of the search-engine and look for a link like "add search to firefox". This way, you will just add the current search engine to the pre-existing and it should work out of the box.
NGINX is a web-server software, like Apache, but less demanding on resources while being a little faster. If your search once worked alright but nowadays shows the error, that you quoted above, then contact the administrator of the search-engine, as his server is mal-configured.
Hi Pat Sorry I answer too late, but the problem persist. Namely, on all browsers I've the same problem, even on Google Chrome. In question is just Google search. As per your advice, I tried to operate with drop down menu for integrated search, and I can tekk you that only ask.com is in function. In fact I've 'Google search, disabled on my PC. I don't know what to do. Very kind you answer me. I appreciate this. Have a nice time.
Thank you cor-el. Finally a complete answer. I'll try to fix it by steps, you directed me. I have a cheap antivirus program, Avira, but I'm aware I must take a serious protection like Norton. Have a great time.