From which Firefox browser version (for Windows) started to identify the TurkTrust Certificates as a "Trusted Publisher"?
May I know that from which version of Firefox browser (for Windows) started to identify the TurkTrust as a "Trusted Publisher"?
I read the article: "Revoking Trust in Two TurkTrust Certificates" from the web page: http://blog.mozilla.org/security/2013.../revoking-trust-in-two-turktrust-certficates/ and wondering that whether I have to update my version to the latest one to prevent the pretended publisher...?
Don't know if my version is older enough, can I avoid this problem?
All Replies (1)
hello, turktrust was included in the certificate store at least since 2007. for security reasons you should always use the latest version of firefox anyway, since each release fixes known vulnerabilities: https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox.html