Thunderbird does not appear in Win10 Start Menu
I have been using Thunderbird on Win 7 for several years. I recently upgraded from Win7 to Win10. My TB icon remains pinned to the Task Bar after the upgrade, and I use it daily. TB is listed as an installed program in Control Panel/Programs and Features, but there is no link to TB in the Win10 Start menu, either in the All Apps section or the Most Used section. Since TB is an installed application, it should appear in the Start Menu.
Krejt Përgjigjet (6)
There's a Windows 10 tutorial here which tells you how to add items to the Start Menu: http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/10529-all-apps-start-menu-add-remove-items-windows-10-a.html
amanchesterman, The Windows 10 tutorial does not work on my computer. If you read the comments on the site, you will find other people for whom the tutorial does not work. This is also true for many other tutorials I have found on the web for Win 10. It seems that Microsoft sees these tutorials to customize Win 10 and changes the code so that they no longer work.
Thank you for the information. Personally I don't use Microsoft software, partly for the reason you describe. I posted the link for you in good faith but I was not in a position to test it myself. Maybe you will find other members of this forum who do use Windows 10 and are willing to help. But since your question sounds to me like a generic query -- how to add programs to the Windows 10 start menu? -- perhaps there are other places where you could ask for help. Since you have paid Microsoft to use their software, can't they assist you?
I found Thunderbird listed as
Operating system c:Program Files(x86) Mozilla Thunderbird.
This is the way I had it set up Windows 7 and now it is set the same in Windows 10.
By the way to get to see the operating system, I click onto the start button (the little white window on my computer), and then on the start button I click onto file explorer and tab down to operating systems. On my computer it was about half way down after quick assess, I posted photo to show where I found "c".
Note: to look into "c", you click onto the little arrow that located to on the lefthand hand to expand that file.
I hope this might help you.
amanchesterman, I appreciate your efforts. You are of course correct that this is Windows 10 issue and not a Thunderbird issue. I was hoping that perhaps other Thunderbird users may have had this problem in Win 10, and were successful in solving it.
Peachy12, I know where Thunderbird is installed on my computer. It just does not show on the Start Menu. Thanks