What are the settings for Brighthouse? Outgoing server? etc. etc.
I need the server settings to configure my email accounts for my computer at a second home. We use BrightHouse. Their web mail is working OK. I keep getting error messages: the account timed out or an error occurred while sending: from address must match authentication (R0107004). Verify that your email is correct in your account settings and error occurred with the POP3 mail server.
I talked with BrightHouse and according to them I should use 995 for incoming and 587 for outgoing; server name: mail.brighthouse.com; connection security SSL/TLS; and encrypted password. I've tried encrypted password and normal password.
Emails were working OK until today. Now, neither my husband's email szane@tampabay.rr.com or my email ezane@tampabay.rr.com can send or receive emails.
Please advise. Thank you.
Krejt Përgjigjet (1)
The settings should be here: http://support.brighthouse.com/Article/Incoming-Outgoing-Email-Server-Address-RR-1595/ I can't tell you what they are because they obviously vary as to where you are and I'm in a different country altogether.