Latest release has ALL my mail going to junk. What are the little arrows to the right of the "Correspondents" names? It's driving me nuts!
On the latest update, little arrows showed up next to the "Correspondents" names. Now every single email is calling it "Junk" even though the email recipients/senders are in my email address book! It's driving me absolutely crazy! I shouldn't have to redefine every single one of my contacts! Help!
Krejt Përgjigjet (2)
I like "Correspondents". If I file both incoming and outgoing messages related to some specific topic all in one folder, then I'll have a mix of from:fred and to:fred which can't be serviced unless I set up both the regular to: and from: columns. This is a waste of space. OTOH, pretty much all of the messages will be either from:me or to:me but I know that and don't need to see it. "Correspondents" means it just shows me the other party, and the arrows indicate incoming vs outgoing.
Click this tiny button (see attached image) and you can restore whatever columns you want. Note there are two "apply to all" options so you don't have to crawl every single folder.
As to the Junk, I think I would reset the Junk training.
Tools|Options|Security|Junk→Reset training data