Capture screenshot of all open tabs
Since Firefox 18 a user can take a screenshot of an open tab by pressing shift+f2 and running screenshot --fullpage. Can the Firefox terminal be used to take a screenshot of all currently open tabs?
Krejt Përgjigjet (2)
I don't think so.
See also:
Note that you can also use the Web Console ("3-bar" menu button or Tools -> Web Developer) and set to show the screenshot button on its toolbar.
You would have to cycle through all open tabs and then issue the screenshot command in each tab to achieve this. Cycling through tabs is not to difficult to do via the Browser Console. You can store the screenshot on the clipboard and save the image file yourself. The most difficult would be to know when one screenshot has finished so you know to proceed to the next tab.
var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components; var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var gB = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser").gBrowser; var l = gB.mPanelContainer.childNodes.length,i; for(var i=0;i<l;i++){ cD=gB.getBrowserAtIndex(i).contentDocument; /* more code */ }