How can I get userChrome.css to change fonts on Mac?
I need to change all the font sizes of my Thunderbird on Mac, menu's fonts included. I tried to modify the userChrome.css file but nothing change. There is anyone can help me? Thanks. Here what I done for TB version 76.5 (64 bit):
name@MyMac chrome % pwd /Users/name/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/m2vx3jrx.default-release/chrome name@MyMac chrome % ls -la userChrome.css -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 name staff 170 2 Dic 11:04 userChrome.css
name@MyMac chrome % cat userChrome.css
/* Make all the default font sizes 16 pt: */
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
- {
font-size: 16pt !important; }
name@MyMac chrome %
Krejt Përgjigjet (1)
To change all the fonts, it's probably easier to just modify a single preference, layout.css.devPixelsPerPx.