Multiple install / update Thunderbird problems
Unable to start -> Side-by side configuration error message Unable to uninstall -> Another Message says there is an unfinished thunderbird update, must restart pc. after restart, no update starts. back to the same situation. Unable to Re-Install -> Downloaded Installer, but installation gives the same "unfinished update error"
I already copied the "Thunderbird" Folder from the "AppData/Roaming" Folder. Is this the correct Data Backup so I don't loose my emails?
Please help.
Krejt Përgjigjet (18)
Hello there We have read the message We try to help
Yes, okay, make sure your profile folder is copied and put away safely for now
Greetings Firefox volunteer
Hello there
Do you only use Thunderbird? Does any other user have anything to do with this? can i ask you?
To check whether there was clearly an installation just for you and whether there is a copy of Thunderbird saved on your computer.
Clean with a tool, for example a hard drive cleaner.(or with a version from cccleaner ) Is there a second version of Thunderbird software present. Delete every profile of the old software or (and)delete software leftovers from the new installation if it is possible to do this.
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
I am the only User. the PC recently crashed and i Suppose there was an Update running in the back.
Hello there
Your installation together with your PC had a connection with your PC and the part of the Thunderbird software to be installed.
During or around the time your PC crashed, this update may have been interrupted from certain connections on your PC machine.
You have the backup. Your details can be requested again when you log in. Your account will continue to exist with the normal login details.
First you need to fix your computer from your crashed moment.
You cannot install Thunderbird software safely on a crashed PC.
How did the computer crashed?
(It are two different things the crashed computer ,and the interrupted Software from Thunderbird.)
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
Everything else works perfectly. if i just could remove thunderbird to install it again.
It just froze, so i forced a reboot by pressing the Power Button on the tower.
Hello there
A sudden standstill of your Thunderbird version and/or software can be resolved by also starting up in safe mode if this is still possible after your software has not been completely installed.
I recommend to fix the pc first. After the repair of the tower pc . You can Reinstall the latest software of Thunderbird.
Greetings Firefox volunteer
Ok. I will try the troubleshoot Mode and report back how it went. Thank you very much.
Hello there
Trouble shoot modus is for Thunderbird software the software is ok.
If a computer freezes or is frozen, try to restart the computer with the button on the front of the computer tower.
try scanning for antivirus and mall ware errors.
remove unwanted and especially unused software and extensions that are unnecessarily on your PC.
Clear your cache from this machine.
If necessary, it is possible to check your hardware for this subject.
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
Hello there
I assume you did have fixed the pc?
Try to start up the Software in trouble shoot modus. If there is a fresh installation of Thunderbird there. Add ons can cause a crash.
All add ons turned off when you restart( trouble shoot mode).
If the crash is still there when you have tried this it? It is possible that a bug is the problem on the pc. Or a another piece of software.
The bug You can report this if you like?
Contact me after.
Greetings Firefox volunteer
Thank you for the further information. I have yet not had the opportunity to try troubleshoot Mode for thunderbird. I hope to return to the PC on the weekend. Everything else runs perfectly, including Firefox. I will report back when I tried. Best regards.
Cache has nothing to do with updates.
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-software-update-failed previously cited should be a good starting point
If there is still a problem, then delete the Thunderbird program directory (not the profile directory) using Windows File Explorer.
Hello there Wayne Merry.Moderator. Marc.Schenk.
If a computer freezes or is frozen, try to restart the computer with the button on the front of the computer tower.
try scanning for antivirus and mall ware errors.
remove unwanted and especially unused software and extensions that are unnecessarily on your PC.
Clear your cache from this machine.
If necessary, it is possible to check your hardware for this subject.
I was trying to help this client out of his maybe broken(crashed) pc.
Oké cleaning up the cache is not a chosen option for this Thunderbird version. We keep that in mind.
Thank you.
Greetings Firefox volunteer
Thunderbird does not Start in safe Mode. Also side by side error. I run Disk Cleanup to Demeter Cache. Please explain "deleting the directory", i cannot uninstall and cannot install New over the existing
Wayne mery i tried everything mentioned in the Update failed article still the same
googlethunderbird said
Hello there I assume you did have fixed the pc? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-crashes#:~:text=Thunderbird%20for%20details.-,Check%20for%20problematic%20add%2Dons,an%20updated%20version%20of%20Thunderbird .... Greetings Firefox volunteer
The user isn't actually crashing.
1. Delete everything in %temp% 2. "Side by side" doesn't sound like a bug in Thunderbird. Check https://www.stellarinfo.com/blog/fix-windows-side-by-side-configuration-error/ 3. Delete directories with Thunderbird in the name from \Program Files\ and \Program Files (x86)\ 4. Install Thunderbird from https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/
Is "unfinished" the exact English word used in "unfinished thunderbird update"?
Thanks for the further Information, Wayne Mery. For 1.: I ran Disk Cleanup on everything, so all temps should be gone. For2.: I will check that link For 3.: So I just delete the program folder? doesnt that make an uninstallation completely impossible? For 4.: I will try, but I fear just deleting the program folder will leave the program in the "system" and it will still be listed as an installed program producing the same error.
My Windows is in german, so I don't know the exact Word. I can just say that trying to uninstall the program or trying to install over the existing program produces an error akin to "thunderbird Update in progress/unfinished. restart PC to continue". after restart nothing changes.
- 3 and #4 should be fine.
An install will replace everything that is needed for a future uninstall.