Journal Notes
I find that I have forgotten most of what I have learned about Thunderbird. Recently I needed to "refresh" the folder list from one of my email accounts for I had created a subfolder under a parent folder while using the browser to access the email account online. I remembered that I was able to "refresh" the folder list very easily for this happened in the past. I was able to find the resolution in Thunderbird's FAQ/Help, but that took some time.
You probably noticed that I quoted the word "refresh", that isn't the correct search criteria for it is actually a synchronization issue. Before you search how to Synchronize folders:
1) Right click the email account 2) Select "Subscribe" from the pull down list. 3) A list will popup of all of the folders for that account 4) Highlight any folder that doesn't have a checkmark in the box to the right of each folder and place a checkmark in the box by selecting the box. 5) Select "Refresh" from the right panel, then select "OK"
Although I could use a PC based journal, I would like to have such a journal/note section within Thunderbird so that I can keep How-to notes.
Krejt Përgjigjet (2)
One method you can use: If you find useful information in an online/via internet Help Article or question, then in browser choose to 'bookmark current tab' and the link is saved.
In my Firefox browser under 'Bookmarks', I created a section called 'Thunderbird' and it contains may helpful bookmarks to specific references.
In Thunderbird: If you get a good answer to any questions you ask as an email Create a folder in called 'TBirdHelp' and you can store all useful emails in that folder.
Or you could create emails containing information and send them to yourself. When you receive it in Inbox, put email into the suitable folder 'TBirdHelp'
OR if you want to create a note for yourself use the current system available but do not want to send a loadof emails. Click on 'Write' and compose the info like you are writing an email The 'Subject' can be a good reference eg: Subscribe info then save it as a Template. File > Save as > Template
Now normally Templates are emails that you create to reuse so they save time. Maybe that is a folder you have not used much, so you can use it for something more useful for you. There's nothing stopping you from using the same folder for storing helpful notes. Then it would be easy to search as well. Sort by Subject so it's alphabetical and easy to scan over.