Not able to send email using Spectrum email account.
Running windows 11 in S mode, Spectrum email. I had been using Outlook but on 11 February, it stopped working. Wouldn't send nor receive. Webmail works fine. Downloaded Thunderbird. Set up my account and started receiving emails. Went to send an email, and it failed to send. Checked all settings and they match Spectrum's server settings.
Trying to troubleshoot, but struggled with directions on the internet. Tried to load developer tools and nothing happened. Found I could open the error console with keypad. The error console says "Could not start Browser Toolbox, you need to enable it." Could not find out how to enable it.
When I attempt to send email, three messages show up in the error console. "NetworkTimeoutError: a Network error occurred SmtpClient.sys.mjs:476:17" "SecurityError info: SmtpClient.sys.mjs:492:21" Note, no error text was displayed. "Sending failed: ... server (SMTP) timed out.... MessageSend.sys.mjs:341:32"
When I first started running Thunderbird, I remember a certificate error with the Spectrum certificate. I enabled an exception and was able to receive email. Thinking this might be related to the security error on receiving, I wanted to remove the certificate exception so I could see the reason for the security error on receiving. Comments say it is stored in the profile. If I try to open the profile, Thunderbird says profile not found. I found the profiles, but the path to them is not the path listed under Troubleshooting Information\About Profiles.
My primary issue is not being able to send emails. I would also like to know how to remove the certificate exception.
Krejt Përgjigjet (1)
re :Tried to load developer tools and nothing happened. Found I could open the error console with keypad. The error console says "Could not start Browser Toolbox, you need to enable it." Could not find out how to enable it.
Doubt if it would help in your case. When you click on Tools > Developer Tools and select 'Developer Toolbox' A small window opens which needs you to click on the 'OK' in order for a connection to be created. That small window has a habit of appearing behind the Toolbox window, so is easy to not see it.
re :When I first started running Thunderbird, I remember a certificate error with the Spectrum certificate. I enabled an exception and was able to receive email. When I attempt to send email, three messages show up in the error console. "NetworkTimeoutError: a Network error occurred SmtpClient.sys.mjs:476:17" "SecurityError info: SmtpClient.sys.mjs:492:21" Note, no error text was displayed. "Sending failed: ... server (SMTP) timed out.... MessageSend.sys.mjs:341:32"
That sounds like your Anti-Virus throwing a wobbly; not having it's own data up to date and flagging a cert issue. The later error is a network issue, so maybe this is the Firewall blocking Thunderbird smtp.
As Thunderbird is a new install - Check Firewall is not blocking ports etc:
- Exit Thunderbird
- Access Firewall - this might be the default on computer or controlled by an Anti-Virus you installed.
- The Thunderbird program thunderbird.exe file must be set up as an allowed program.
- I would also make sure the thunderbird updater.exe program is also allowed.
As an example - I use Norton, so made those two programs as 'Allowed' so the firewall would not block anything. See image as guide.
re : If I try to open the profile, Thunderbird says profile not found. I found the profiles, but the path to them is not the path listed under Troubleshooting Information\About Profiles.
- If I try to open the profile, - please include exact steps - what are you clicking on to locate profile?
- I found the profiles - it would be helpful if you posted that directory data.
- not the path listed under Troubleshooting Information\About Profiles - sounds like you might have downloaded /installed thunderbird from the Windows app store and not the official download website.
The Windows app store offers Thunderbird, but it can be a pain because it does not put the profile in the expected location. So just about everything is harder to locate as all help on Thunderbird does not discuss where Windows put your data.
Did you get/install Thunderbird from the Windows OS app store? If yes: Then Windows has it here - Thunderbird program will be in this location:
- C:/Program Files/WindowsApps/Mozilla Thunderbird
Windows OS now puts your Thunderbird profile in this location - do you see it in that location ?
- C://Users/<UserAccountname>AppData/Local/Packages/MozillaThunderbird.MZLA_h5892qc0xkpca/LocalCache/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/<profilename>
If you download installation from the official website life is so much easier.
The program will auto get installed in one of the following:
- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe - the default folder path on 32-bit Windows.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe - the default folder path on 64-bit Windows.
The default location for profile would be:
- C://Users/<User Account name> /Appdata/Thunderbird/Profiles/<profile name>
I suspect you are seeing that sort of information in the 'about:profiles'