copy text read more
When I highlight text and copy it and then past it, it has appended to the text "Read more: http://www.etc". How can I turn that off? Isn't that a violation of the earliest tenants of GUI and WSIWG? That you could highlight some text, copy, paste, and get something other than what you highlighted, something that wasn't even there?
Krejt Përgjigjet (3)
Please provide an example of a web page where you had that happen?
I don't ever recall seeing anything like that in a "copy /paste". It sounds like someone is looking to warn people about their "stuff" not being "free for the taking". Like warning you about mundane stuff like "copyright" and "ownership" of content on a website.
So it's not standard? Trying it a little more it does seem to go with some sites. Here's one: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/7610819.html. If you highlight a paragraph or so of text and copy and paste you get the text followed by "Read more: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/7610819.html#ixzz1POrNjS3U". I guess their way of claiming credit. Oh, and if I block scripts it doesn't happen. I have no problem with citing where I get a quote but that's an annoying way of doing it.
It works if you drag selected text instead of copying it to the clipboard.
It also works if you have JavaScript disabled while loading the page.