Thunderbird won't collect messages
Thunderbird was working fine all day, then suddenly in the late afternoon when I told it to check mailboxes I got the usual messages along the bottom of the window saying which account it was looking at but instead of collecting the messages it stopped doing anything and sat with the green box full but no messages. I have tried shutting down the program and restarting but no result Also shut diwn computer and restarted but still no luck. I can send messages but not receive.
All Replies (6)
Sorry, but this doesn't help. Thunderbird is working fine on another computer, it is just on one where this has happened so it is not a problem with the ISP and the settings are correct, I have checked, nad the same ones work on my wife's laptop. Could it be a Windows update that has messed something up?- My Mailwasher has also stopped working on the afected computer.
Please post your Troubleshooting Information.
Help (Alt-H) - Troubleshooting Information
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 24.5.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.5.0 Profile Folder: Show Folder
(Local drive) Application Build ID: 20140424091057 Enabled Plugins: about:plugins Build Configuration: about:buildconfig Crash Reports: about:crashes Memory Use: about:memory
Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (pop3) mail.waitrose.com:110, plain, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
account3: INCOMING: account3, , (pop3) pop3.live.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
account4: INCOMING: account4, , (imap) imap.mail.me.com:993, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.mail.me.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
account5: INCOMING: account5, , (pop3) pop.mail.yahoo.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true
account6: INCOMING: account6, , (pop3) pop.spamcop.net:110, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
Important Modified Preferences
Name: Value
browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400 extensions.lastAppVersion: 24.5.0 font.internaluseonly.changed: true font.name.monospace.el: Consolas font.name.monospace.tr: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-baltic: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-central-euro: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-cyrillic: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-unicode: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-western: Consolas font.name.sans-serif.el: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.tr: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-baltic: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-central-euro: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-cyrillic: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-unicode: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-western: Calibri font.name.serif.el: Cambria font.name.serif.tr: Cambria font.name.serif.x-baltic: Cambria font.name.serif.x-central-euro: Cambria font.name.serif.x-cyrillic: Cambria font.name.serif.x-unicode: Cambria font.name.serif.x-western: Cambria font.size.fixed.el: 14 font.size.fixed.tr: 14 font.size.fixed.x-baltic: 14 font.size.fixed.x-central-euro: 14 font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic: 14 font.size.fixed.x-unicode: 14 font.size.fixed.x-western: 14 font.size.variable.el: 17 font.size.variable.tr: 17 font.size.variable.x-baltic: 17 font.size.variable.x-central-euro: 17 font.size.variable.x-cyrillic: 17 font.size.variable.x-unicode: 17 font.size.variable.x-western: 17 mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1 mail.winsearch.firstRunDone: true mailnews.database.global.datastore.id: cc1df76b-7836-4556-8b1e-837c32f87f6 network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true places.database.lastMaintenance: 1399663289 places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858 plugin.importedState: true
Adapter Description: AMD Radeon HD 7620G + 8600M Dual Graphics Vendor ID: 0x1002 Device ID: 0x9907 Adapter RAM: 768 Adapter Drivers: aticfx64 aticfx64 aticfx64 aticfx32 aticfx32 aticfx32 atiumd64 atidxx64 atidxx64 atiumdag atidxx32 atidxx32 atiumdva atiumd6a atitmm64 Driver Version: Driver Date: 4-17-2014 Direct2D Enabled: false DirectWrite Enabled: false (6.3.9600.16384) ClearType Parameters: ClearType parameters not found WebGL Renderer: false GPU Accelerated Windows: 0
AzureCanvasBackend: skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo AzureContentBackend: none
Incremental GC: 1
Activated: 1 Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version Version in use
NSPR 4.10.2 4.10.2
NSS 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC
NSS Util 3.15.4 3.15.4
NSS SSL 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC
NSS S/MIME 3.15.4 Basic ECC 3.15.4 Basic ECC
From the accounts listed in the Troubleshooting Information, which is the one you're having problems with?
I was having trouble with all of the accounts. Thunderbird wouldn't receive from any of them. it just froze in the middle of checking accounts. Sometimes it told me there were messages but they didn't download. However, suddenly everything is working again. No idea why as i haven't done anything to the machine except switched it off and left it for a few hours while i was out. I guess we'll have to write this one off as one of the mysteries of computers!