How to save Saved Email into a folder on the hard drive
I recently installed Thunderbird on my computer in the hope of being able to transfer saved Gmail emails into a created folder on my hard drive. I used to be able to do this directly in Outlook by multiple-selection of emails, then right-clicking "send as attachment" to myself, then downloading them and saving them all in a prescribed folder.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
All Replies (4)
Well your outlook process would be less than optimal.
Have you tried selecting the mails and simply dragging them to the folder? I suggest you do.
That's all well and good--but only saves one email at a time. When multiple saved mails are selected I get the proverbial circle with diagonal line through it, essentially proclaiming: "No, no, no".
Got something better?
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That worked. Thanks, although I got the Blue Screen after completing a transfer into a created folder on my HD and then opening my Gmail through Google Talk. I restarted and tried another export and so far, so good.