How to extract all images url just by specifying a url of a website?
Hello i wanted to know if there is any add-on available or any other trick where i can EXTRACT/COPY all "Images url" just by specifying a website?
For example: Consider this website:http://freeprintable-cards.com/free-printable-birthday-cards/ Now is there any "Add-on" or any other way where i just paste the url of above website(say in the text box) & it automatically copies all images url at once simply by specifying "only" the website name..
All Replies (2)
Addon save images 1.0.3 https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/save-images may do something similar.
See also my answer to your question
- How to copy url of all images present in a tab? /questions/1015761#answer-616667
Many other addons are available.
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