How can I restore the command "send later" which you removed in your recent update?
I write my emails and then go to a wi-fi hotspot to send them. Until now I have written them and clicked on "send later" and they have appeared in the Outbox until I logged on and could send them all with one click. The latest update to Thunderbird has removed this facility. How can I restore it, please?
All Replies (1)
It has not been removed. So clearly, you are seeing something very different from the expected view.
As you have not fully described the issue - what you can or cannot see, I've provided several options. Sometimes, it helps to include an image to give a clear expanation.
If you are not connected to internet or in 'offline mode'. click on 'write' to open a new message. The 'Send Later' button should appear instead of 'SEnd'. It will appear as 'greyed out' until you enter a TO email address at which point it becomes enabled. Logical as you cannot send if no email address is entered. Otherwise it also available under: File > SEnd Later
So when you say The latest update to Thunderbird has removed this facility, it would be useful to know what you mean.
Are you saying: 1. you cannot see any toolbars no 'Menu Bar' = 'File, Edit, view, Insert, Format, Options, Tools, Help If yes: Press 'Alt' key to get a temporary Menu Bar 'View' > 'Toolbars' > select 'Menu Bar' to set permanent. This will get you the 'File' > 'Send Later' menu.
2. You can see 'Menu Bar', but not 'Composition Toolbar' no 'Composition Toolbar' = Send/Send Later, Spelling, Attach, Security, Save 'View' > 'Toolbars' > Select 'Composition Toolbar'
3. You can see the 'Composition Toolbar', all buttons as described are visible except for the 'Send/SendLater' button. 'View' > 'Toolbars' > 'Customise' If the 'Send' icon is in 'Customise' window - drag it onto the 'Composition Toolbar'. OR click on 'Restore Default Set' button click on 'Done' to close window.