OK to uninstall older version of Thunderbird after importing Eudora?
After giving up on an unfixable security certificate within Eudora, I downloaded a recent version (38.2) of Thunderbird and tried to import the Eudora data. It did not work, and a successful Google search led me to a solution.
A contributor wrote that only older versions of TB could do the job. So I found, downloaded, and installed ver. 31.6, proceeded to the import window, and it worked perfectly for the mailboxes, fair on the address list. Good enough, happy.
With two TB versions installed, I was hoping to ask that contributor about deleting the older version now that I don't need it any longer, but can't find the same page. So I will ask the question here.
May I simply let Windows uninstall 31.6 and seamlessly continue on with 38.2?
All Replies (2)
I'm surprised that you were able to install two different versions of Thunderbird. It usually just overwrites the previously installed version.
If the your application manager allows you to uninstall the older version then I think it would be fine to go ahead. Your data is stored separately (in your profile) and the usual install/uninstall tools won't know it's there and so won't touch it.
If you're using one of the smarter third party tools that detects and tracks changes then it may be aware of your profile, but would, I hope, give you the choice as to what it removes and what it leaves in place.
In either case, a backup of your profile would be a wise precaution.
With moral support from Zenos, I conjured up Windows' Uninstall utility, which showed two installations of TBird.
I then selected the older version, right-clicked "Uninstall," and watched nothing happen. No pop-up verification window, no error message, no nothing, as if I had selected a bit of white space. Oh, the utility works ok; it got rid of some old, unused software with no problem.
So what I'll do is rename the .exe file in the old version to make sure that the newer version can chug on by itself. (Hello, what's this? While typing this message, I checked the older installation and found an "uninstall" directory with a help.exe file. Let's see what that can do. Nothing whatsoever; it does not respond. Perhaps that explains the Windows' utility failure.)
Back to renaming the .exe file. If TBird works ok, I will then delete the files in the old installation, freeing up about 71Mb of disk space.
Thank you, Zenos, for stepping up.