Deleted two email accounts by mistake before I copied my emails
I accidently removed (deleted) my two previous email accounts with you, that were forwarded from GoDaddy. I just set up two new ones yesterday because of problems with an account at GoDaddy. I desperately need my in and out emails from the last several months. I wasn't thinking when I deleted them, not understanding I would lose all my emails. Sleep depravation contributed to this fiasco. Please help. My business will be severally harmed if I can't get them back. Thanks, Cotton
The accounts deleted were cb@ecofuelsolutions.com and cb@greenfleets.com
All Replies (16)
I have idea how that will help me restore my two accounts.
When you have an idea I suppose that's good news.
The last message was supposed to read, "I have no idea how that will help me restore my two accounts."
Well, that is a pretty useless statement, and it leaves anyone attempting to help guessing. You'd need to be way more specific.
I did what the first person referred me to, by typing in, %APPDATA% in my search bar in Windows 7. That was in response to:
That was a response to this first message I sent to your people:
I accidently removed (deleted) my two previous email accounts with you, that were forwarded from GoDaddy. I just set up two new ones yesterday because of problems with an account at GoDaddy. I desperately need my in and out emails from the last several months. I wasn't thinking when I deleted them, not understanding I would lose all my emails. Sleep depravation contributed to this fiasco. Please help. My business will be severally harmed if I can't get them back. Thanks, Cotton
The accounts deleted were cb@ecofuelsolutions.com and cb@greenfleets.com
I didn't find anything in there. Am I screwed?
What, no response? Am I screwed or not? Is there any way to get my emails back?
My biggest gripe I have is, if you had an extended message that said if you want to continue with deleting this account you will lose all your email history, I would not have clicked the button, because my sleep deprived mind would have waken from the reality stated, and I wouldn't be in this insane position. Think about that for a minute and pass it on to who ever programs this site. I'm sure I'm not the first poor sucker. The wordage with a red caution would stop 95% of the people from erroneously clicking that final button.
Have you restored it as said in that link?
Also if you cant make a new account, you can use the add-o9n mentioned.
If you use IMAP and didn't download then its still on GoDaddy.
No luck. My brilliant brother, the computer wiz, always says to use Pop3, because GoDaddy doesn't store much, but we were paying for extra I thought. Either way I saw nothing in the hidden files. I guess you are assuming I was smart enough to store a back up with your system, this was the first time I've used anything other than Microsoft's email server. Still not very familiar with how you do things. I did not see the add-o9n mentioned. Where is it? If I didn't back up anything and I can't get anything from Godaddy, I think you can tell me I'm screwed without going through all this frustration. You obviously have no failsafe system to restore when someone does something stupid or as I mentioned previously, why the hell don't you have an explicit message "if you click this button you lose all you email history from the account you are about to delete". If you still think there is any other way please inform me or is there a number I can call to talk to anyone. Thanks
Lets say you screwed things up, but you are not necessary screwed for good.
Just check this out:
open in explorer (not ie) %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles there is a directory called "something".default or similar open it and then open mail here are your accounts. Now you have tho figure out which one belonged to the deleted ones
Inside that account there are files without any extensions they contain your emails stacked one after another. There are also files "name".msf they are just index-files and unimportant for now.
If you found your missing files (with emails) Add the addon ImportExportTool to TB
You can use that to import from those files into folders in Local folders
I did through Microsoft Explorer find: profiles/eaolpc3l.default/Mail/pop.secureserver.net, an inbox with 2GB. When I click it, it asks what program do I want to use to open the file. What do I chose?
any text-editor that can handle 2 MB. Dont work on the file it self, make a copy then you can always go back. But its good you have it.
Using ImportExportTool is the safest way to retrieve them but you can make a copy with a different (not used) name and move it to the directory "Local Folders"
Then start TB, In Local folders you should have a foldeer with that new name containing your mails
A great advantage with ImportExportTools is that you can set it to automaticly make a backup of your changed files. Mine is set to every 3rd day
The ImportExportTool does not show up on your list of add-ons when I search in Thunderbird. My brother found it through Mozilla, but it doesn't recognize it as and authorized add-on. I don't know how to drop it in as an add-on.Mozilla
I gave you a link to Kaosmos site, use it and savethe file to your disk then in TB/addons open the "gear"-icon and select install from file Find your saved .xpi-file and install. In Kaosmo-site you can find many useful add-ons. Most of the time they are also to be found under addons.mozilla.org You get a "prevent from install' when you click on "download now" in addons.mozilla.org because that link is for an older addon and it tries to install in firefox. The current version is 3.2.5
Did you try the other alternative?