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access to addons.mozilla.org is blocked in firefox but not in chrome

  • 10 ردود
  • 1 has this problem
  • آخر ردّ كتبه fmaathuis

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I want to use an addon which only is available to firefox. So I've installed firefox and tried to install this addon, but when going to the addons.mozilla.org I get an error SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_USER with no possibility to pass this by installing a certificate. When using chrome to access this page, there is no problem, but I can't download the addon as a file.

I want to use an addon which only is available to firefox. So I've installed firefox and tried to install this addon, but when going to the addons.mozilla.org I get an error SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_USER with no possibility to pass this by installing a certificate. When using chrome to access this page, there is no problem, but I can't download the addon as a file.

الحل المُختار

What certificate chain do you see in Google Chrome if you open the Details tab (second screenshot)?

If there is a root certificate that some filter software might be adding this certificate to the Windows certificate store. Firefox uses its own certificate store and won't see and use this root certificate. You would have to export this root certificate (SVB Root CA) in Google Chrome and import this certificate in the Firefox Certificate Manager.

  • Options/Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates: View Certificates

You can find the Certificates section at the bottom of the "Privacy & Security" page or use the search bar (certificate).

When prompted set the trust bit to use the certificate to "Trust this CA to identify websites.

Note that you should never set any trust bits on an intermediate certificate when prompted. Trust bits are only required for trusted root certificates and should never be set on an intermediate certificate.

Read this answer in context 👍 0

All Replies (10)

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Who is the issuer of the certificate?

Can you please provide more detail about the issuer of the certificate?

  • click the "Advanced" button show more detail
  • click the blue SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER message to show the certificate chain
  • click "Copy text to clipboard" and paste the base64 certificate chain text in a reply

If clicking the SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER text doesn't provide the certificate chain then try these steps to inspect the certificate.

  • open the Server tab in the Certificate Manager
    • Options/Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates: View Certificates -> Servers: "Add Exception"
  • paste the URL of the website (https://xxx.xxx) in it's Location field.

Let Firefox retrieve the certificate -> "Get Certificate"

  • click the "View" button and inspect the certificate

You can see detail like the issuer of the certificate and intermediate certificates in the Details tab.

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Uitgever van certificaat van peer wordt niet herkend.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: true



MIIErDCCA5SgAwIBAgIRAPXq1wiYQ+MtSdy3XbtoRHYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw geAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAk5MMRYwFAYDVQQIEw1Ob29yZC1Ib2xsYW5kMRMwEQYDVQQH EwpBbXN0ZWx2ZWVuMSEwHwYDVQQKExhTb2NpYWxlIFZlcnpla2VyaW5nc0Jhbmsx PTA7BgNVBAsTNEQtSVQgLyBNYW5hZ2VkIFNlcnZpY2VzIC8gSW5mcmFzdHJ1Y3R1 dXIgLyBOZXR3ZXJrZW4xGjAYBgNVBAMMEVNWQl9zdWJDQV9jcHByb3h5MSYwJAYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhdJQ1QuVmVyYmluZGluZ2VuQHN2Yi5ubDAeFw0xNzA5MjgwMDAw MDBaFw0xOTEwMDQxMjAwMDBaMIHxMR0wGwYDVQQPDBRQcml2YXRlIE9yZ2FuaXph dGlvbjETMBEGCysGAQQBgjc8AgEDEwJVUzEbMBkGCysGAQQBgjc8AgECEwpDYWxp Zm9ybmlhMREwDwYDVQQFEwhDMjU0MzQzNjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgT CkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDU1vdW50YWluIFZpZXcxGzAZBgNVBAoTEk1v emlsbGEgRm91bmRhdGlvbjEXMBUGA1UECxMOQ2xvdWQgU2VydmljZXMxGzAZBgNV BAMTEmFkZG9ucy5tb3ppbGxhLm9yZzCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkC gYEAo6e3kufdugTl+PDFHc/QxWEz2BqFlX//l4pI8KKg2hDbsleakqKnFwSsK54A 9fyW6PP0h481Xgc+yCKcUMkQCHwhVlEoo4+QBHCbYwzQZqLRwCNbGu7m76SINGsv xC86VdwTzKAu0e1++/nRXp1S9PxEq6K1RxnCvEY5vhw7YyMCAwEAAaOB0TCBzjAd BgNVHSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwgYsGA1UdEQSBgzCBgIISYWRk b25zLm1vemlsbGEub3JnghFhZGRvbi5tb3ppbGxhLm9yZ4Ibc2VydmljZXMuYWRk b25zLm1vemlsbGEub3JnghxkaXNjb3ZlcnkuYWRkb25zLm1vemlsbGEub3Jnghxy ZXZpZXdlcnMuYWRkb25zLm1vemlsbGEub3JnMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIFoDAPBgNV HRMBAf8EBTADAQEAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBKqbHY78JXlQm7NH8GPH3b TH4ckqlwtPlYtdKSWJSp7xFyyGOTkTpUZnvSAPWzJkQ8Qu7CqD/B0/l2GXdljz7f eL8aT6WtX6XJU+163cen5klQ9s6N56Cw/+yXyS7oNW822s5lQ4IcwaiHVDQX4aOG 06h9PqCQ9xdv5Ez8hSaStq37O5FEeeJEqx24PBtC+QqgXFF1bxXg+baQeY2545Sk oddG9t2s0i2xPGKG4iUc0HsV29jg8qyEXzBGDknpgiscXTx4VGh90uG+elrboqrT SZ7lmMnFnIO9oq8l7E/dP1Ee9vJdPqRQl/fwSuJ2X8YIOrVoithDQG+Rv07qcS1z


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That is a weird certificate issued by a proxy from the Sociale VerzekeringsBank (SVB_subCA_cpproxy, emailAddress=ICT.Verbindingen@svb.nl)

You can check the connection settings and make sure that you aren't using this proxy.

  • Options/Preferences -> General -> Network: Connection -> Settings

If you do not need to use a proxy to connect to internet then try to select "No Proxy" if "Use the system proxy settings" or one of the others do not work properly.

See "Firefox connection settings":

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I've tried every other connection setting. The only setting where I get a connection is the one 'Use the system proxy settings', and that gives me the SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER error.

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What certificate chain does Google Chrome show if you click the padlock?

No proxy should normally work unless there is some filter software or malware active that blocks internet access.

Boot the computer in Windows Safe mode with network support to see if that has effect in case security software is causing problems.

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save mode is not an option as I'm working with a virtual desktop. Made some screenshots from the certificate in chrome on addons.mozilla.org

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You can see that the issuer of the certificate is some kind of proxy.

You can check the connection settings.

  • Options/Preferences -> General -> Network: Connection -> Settings

If you do not need to use a proxy to connect to internet then try to select "No Proxy" if "Use the system proxy settings" or one of the others do not work properly.

See "Firefox connection settings":

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None of the settings work.

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الحل المُختار

What certificate chain do you see in Google Chrome if you open the Details tab (second screenshot)?

If there is a root certificate that some filter software might be adding this certificate to the Windows certificate store. Firefox uses its own certificate store and won't see and use this root certificate. You would have to export this root certificate (SVB Root CA) in Google Chrome and import this certificate in the Firefox Certificate Manager.

  • Options/Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates: View Certificates

You can find the Certificates section at the bottom of the "Privacy & Security" page or use the search bar (certificate).

When prompted set the trust bit to use the certificate to "Trust this CA to identify websites.

Note that you should never set any trust bits on an intermediate certificate when prompted. Trust bits are only required for trusted root certificates and should never be set on an intermediate certificate.

Modified by cor-el

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imported certificate from chrome, now Firefox can use the addons-page. Thanx Fons