where did the share button go?
Your newest download has terribly confused me. I'm not a techie, but a 74 yr. old grandma. Where is the share button. I want to send/forward an e-mail to someone, but I can't find the share button. The e-mail button just has a google account or a yahoo one. I don't use either of them. I'm just terribly lost since the update.
All Replies (15)
Hi grandmaperson, were you used to clicking the Page Actions (•••) menu button in the address bar, and then clicking Email Link?
That whole menu was removed, so there's now a separate button for Email Link that you can find in the Customize panel (in the box of available buttons) and drag to the main part of the toolbar.
Does that do what you need?
no that's not it. When I click on the e-mail at the top, it sends me to use google or yahoo to open. I don't use eight of those . I just use Edge or Firefox. What I used to click was an arrow that was half moon shaped that said share.
Was the share arrow on the Firefox toolbar, or was it in the page?
I don't remember one on the toolbar...
If it was in the page, maybe the Enhanced Tracking Protection is blocking it. More info on how to manage that in this article: Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for desktop.
I guess I'll just have to use Edge instead. Darn....I don't know enough to correct it. That's why I liked Firefox...it used to be easy for me. Not anymore.
when i click on the e-mail button it sends me to "choose an app to open the mailto link". when I choose options it sends me to my downloads on my computer. What is it asking of me? What am I looking for?
Email link uses your email program or email website. Sounds like you weren't doing that before.
When you used the Share button before, what method did it use for sharing? For example, social media?
I used Outlook.
Do you mean Outlook on the web (for example, https://outlook.live.com/mail/) or Outlook installed on your PC?
Usually if it's on your PC, and it's the default program for handling email links, Firefox will let you choose that in the settings very easily:
Change the program used to open email links
If it's Outlook on the web, it takes more work to set up, unfortunately. I have a post from last September with the steps:
Or alternately, you can use my add-on:
It integrates into the right-click context menu:
I give up....I have tried & I can't get Outlook to be my default. Sorry....this is so frustrating.
I'm so sorry, I never used the Share item on the old menu, but after some research, I found out that feature moved to a new menu:
right-click the tab -- up on the tab bar -- for the page you want to share, and click Share on that tab context menu to call up the Windows 10 sharing window
I agree, very frustrating when you remove a perfectly fine function that exist in all browsers, including earlier Firefox. Why not have the option to put it back?
I tried to use the "share" from the tab and what a joke. The only email option is the built in Mail app in Windows 10, even though I have default app for email set to the Outlook app.
Hi mats15, if you were using Email Link... before, you can add an Email Link button to the main part of the toolbar in the Customize panel. See: Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars.
Does that one work the way you remember?
I do not have a "e-mail link" in my choices for Customizing Firefox Control. It's missing or didn't exist with the upgrade. I have to use the top "File" & go from there. Susan
I've noticed this too. I found the email share button and added it to my toolbar BUT I used to be able to share to different platforms like my text messages, etc. Why was it removed? I loved that feature and used it all the time!
Hi Donna Dee, is this on Windows, Mac, or Linux? Try right-clicking the current tab up on the tab bar: