Community Volunteers is when it said my account is not active [ can NOT get to talk to Contact or Support ] Just keeps going to community help
All Replies (13)
Hi, do you mean this page that loads if you click the "Join our Community" link: https://support.mozilla.org/contribute ? or some other page?
Are you able to sign in to your Firefox Account -- for example, at https://accounts.firefox.com/signin -- or does that provide a similar message?
Since you can post on this SUMO forum this indicates that your Firefox account is working properly. Are you trying to use services like editing an knowledge base article that are restricted and require to be part of a specific group ?
It says Account setting
My Account Continue Account setting
It Says on this page that since i can post on this SUMO [ What is SUMO ? ]My Account is orking Properly & am i trying to use services like editigan knowledge based article thatare restricted and required to be part of a specific grope [NOT TO MY KNOWLEDGE I ANM NOT ]
working properly sorry for ALL The Mistakes
SUMO is this site, SUpport.MOzilla.org.
You are trying to edit a Knowledge Base article here on SUMO? I don't know the requirements for that. It used to be very wide open, but they might have changed over the years.
Note that you do not need to create a new reply, you can edit a reply if you made a mistake. For a reply, "Edit this post" is in the three-dot menu next to a reply. You can find "Edit this question" under the "Question Tools" menu in the sidebar.
I was just trying to join the Mozilla Community login [TRYED TO ] would NOT log in & said my account was not active then got a message while talking to you saying that my account is in order or i would not be able to talk to you here [BUT Still can NOT log in ]
Log in to Community that is
What is the community where you can't log in? What page?