wcan't update. Download finishes and then window informs disk is corrupted and so update unsuccessful. I have warning that existing system is no longer protected and am getting lots of dodgy emails. Need to update asap.
Have attempted to INSTALL / update to 3.6 and to 4.
Both unsuccessful.
Download occur and complete but then message stating "corrupt disk" and so installation can not progress.
I am using i mac OSX 10 .3.9 on G4.
Have tried using Monzilla site and also by clicking on messge. Same correption message
Have attempted to INSTALL / update to 3.6 and to 4.
Both unsuccessful.
Download occur and complete but then message stating "corrupt disk" and so installation can not progress.
I am using i mac OSX 10 .3.9 on G4.
Have tried using Monzilla site and also by clicking on messge. Same correption message
All Replies (1)
Firefox is the last ever release for Mac OSX 10.3.9 and earlier versions. Newer versions of Firefox aren't compatible.