where is the refresh button?
I can not find a refresh button. Before you updated it was a blue button near the top left side of the page.
All Replies (16)
It has been incorporated into the far right end of the Address Bar. When you load a page, it is a "Stop" button, when it finished loading, it turns into a "Reload" button.
If you want it to be somewhere else in the Toolbar, you can drag it out to wherever you want. If that doesn't work, try this:
View > Toolbars > Customize and drag the Refresh/Stop icon into the window, then drag it back out to wherever you prefer.
Thank you very much. I have located it.
You are welcome. Please click SOLVED so other users can view this post for future reference.
look carefully, it's here:
Thanks for letting us know where the reload button is. Now tell us where the "solved" button is! I can only find "Helpful"
I think the SOLVED button is only for the original poster (owner) of this thread. The rest of us will only see "Helpful" or "Not Helpful".
I have NO idea what you are talking about, because there is NO refresh button even after my pages load. Could you give me some additional information about how to find this?
Did you look at the screenshot posted by tonti?
Thank you! What a screwed up place to put it......now where the hell is the SOLVED button?
I believe the SOLVED button is only visible if you are the original poster of this thread. Others will only have the "Helpful" buttons.
I still don't see it.....
Nor do I. Tonti's screen shot is in Japanese or Chinese and by the layout and appearance is a completely different layout/design, anyway. And there is nothing to the right of my address bar but "Home" button. This is beyond stupid. What are they thinking? I'm about ready to give up and go back to MSIE. At least that has a real help file instead of just a bunch of amateurs pretending to have answers that post them because they have nothing better to do. You would think a program like Fire Fox could incorporate a true help file, but since they seem incapable of that...well, it's not the only browser. And don't think for a minute Fire Fox has better antivirus protection. The worse hijacking I've ever had has happened with Fire Fox and the only solutions to the problem were given by a bunch of amateurs like those above - i.e., no valid solution was given. I had to re-format my hard drive to get rid of it. NEVER had to do that with MSIE. Gee, whaddaya know? I just talked myself back into going back to MSIE and I absolutely HATE Microsoft. Oh well, at least the browser works like it's supposed to, AND it has an actual help file built in! It will have to do until I can afford a Mac. See you in the funny papers! Oh and thanks for the - oh wait, there wasn't any help ever given here, so nevermind!!!!!
Oh, and by the way....there is no "Refresh" button in the "view-toolbars-customize". Not being stupid, I actually tried that before I hit the bogus "help-Firefox help". So you might want to rethink your "instructions". 'Course it really shouldn't be the job of amateur users to try and figure out. The developers should be able to provide that information themselves, but obviously they have no freaking clue or they surely would have. And in case you're wondering, I do have the latest version. Just FYI
If you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up.
If all the steps didn't help then see:
canderson16 - "just a bunch of amateurs pretending to have answers that post them because they have nothing better to do. "
Your comment is not only offensive but also uncalled for. If you do not want any help, please just leave this forum. I am speaking for myself. I use my spare time to help users here, not to get insulted by people like you, with such immature attitude. I understand your frustration, but DO NOT PUT IT ONTO PEOPLE THAT ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU! I am done with YOU.
And by the way, "170 out of 182 people found this reply helpful " is not "pretending to have answers"!
I am SO sorry, I didn't mean to offend you although obviously my tirade against Firefox did just that and understandably so. I think it's just wonderful that good, and likely (as we all are) busy people are so willing to "use their spare time" to do Firefox's job for them. My real frustration is with Mozilla for not incorporating a simple help file with each revision. If they had ever had one to begin with, they would only need to update any changes in any current revision. I do hate Microsoft, but it occurs to me that as long as I have a PC, I'll always have Microsoft anyway, so I might as well use MSIE so I'll have a help file and MS support (those support forums have trained MS people monitoring questions). Plus, I don't know what Firefox has done, but after having my browser hijacked and having to completely format my hard drive (and yes, I searched the support forums here and tried everything suggested to no avail) - well, suffice it to say it's left a terrible taste in my mouth regarding Firefox to begin with. Hence my tirade about a "small" thing (but important to hundreds of people who have the same problem, it seems!) And yet, not a word from the Firefox folks. So, obviously they have no support team and seemingly do not care.
In any case, please accept my sincere apology for offending you. Again, I think it's great that all you good people are willing to give up your spare time to do Firefox's job for them - for free. I prefer to use my free time to help people with serious medical problems myself, but as long as everyone is willing to help someone, I think it's all good!! For myself, I think it will be easier to go back to MSIE (I've used Firefox for years but it's just getting too hard to deal with), and just wait until I can afford a Mac. But that's just me!
Cheers, and I hope I didn't ruin your day!!!