my adobe flash plugin crashes continually and I want to send the scripts I get on crashes need help
Here are three scripts that I captured that seem to be a problem its either scripts or adobe flash player I have reloaded java and adobe - updated - removed old ....just can't get a work around??
All Replies (13)
Do you mean that Firefox hangs for a while then shows a dialog indicating a problem with a script and has the Stop/Continue buttons? In that case, start with #3 in the following list:
This is some standard guidance that addresses the most common issues with the Flash Player plugin. I'm sure you've seen some of it before, but just in case:
(1) If you have any recorders/downloaders that interact with Flash media make sure they are as up-to-date as possible, or disable them temporarily.
(2) Disable hardware graphics acceleration in Firefox and in Flash
- In Firefox, un-check the box here and restart:
orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced > General > "Use hardware acceleration when available"
- In Flash, see this support article from Adobe: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/video-playback-issues.html#main_Solve_video_playback_issues
(3) Disable the protected mode feature. The following pages provide different ways to disable the feature:
- Adobe support article under the heading "Last Resort": Adobe Forums: How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?
- Batch file to automate the manual steps: https://support.mozilla.org/questions/982093#answer-518078
Any improvement?
totally bummed.....tried these and no success....I just can't imagine there isn't a fix for this???
Hi nancicraig, is the problem that the Flash player plugin is crashing (usually displayed in the page), or that you are getting slow script continue/stop messages, or that Firefox is crashing completely?
When Firefox crashes, it usually records information about what was happening at that moment. You can submit that data to Mozilla and share it with forum volunteers to see whether it points to the solution. Please check the support article "Firefox Crashes" (especially the last section) for steps to get those crash IDs, and then post some of the recent ones here if you find them.
actually I have been doing that....and this only happns when I start up for the first time - closing and opening browsers doesn't continue to crash just the first one when booting up - and it is totally a video - flash , vimeo or whatever facebook video, youtube etc. I have seen it on some flash websites not only video sites but yea I send the crash reports I have all the communications of reporting open and sending....
Have you tried making a new Firefox profile?
I created a video tutorial for this. It includes how to back up your current profile first, then make a new profile the correct way.
Second, I am going to recommend trying to delete some prefetch files as well in elevated cmd prompt too.
The commands for that are:
del "C:\Windows\Prefetch\flashpl*.pf" /q /f del "C:\Windows\Prefetch\PLUGIN-CONTAINER*.pf" /q /f del "C:\Windows\Prefetch\FIREFOX.EXE*.pf" /q /f
This may hopefully resolve the crash upon start up, not sure though.
The prefetch files will re-create themselves upon a re-launch of the program in question, so it is not harmful.
If the prefetch deletions resolve the issue, please let me know and i can provide a more permanent solution to keeping those files clean.
Best Regards
I have several profiles and tried them all to be sure it wasn't a profile issue thank goodness they saved cause that is important stuff in there! there aren't any of those files you mentioned in my file....
@nancicraig are you referring to the prefetch files?
yes C:\Windows\Prefetch\flashpl*.pf C:\Windows\Prefetch\PLUGIN-CONTAINER*.pf C:\Windows\Prefetch\FIREFOX.EXE*.pf
So lets try disabling the plugin-container.exe and see if that has any effects.
First you need to make sure the mms.cfg file does not show any line in it with protected mode, or you could just delete it all together. ( Adobe Flash Protected mode )
The file is located :
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg for 64 bit or C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash for 32 bit.
Next Go here:
This will tell you how to disable the plugin container.exe the easy way. There are two scripts ( .reg patches in a rar file so you will need the latest version of winrar ) to disable the plugin container and re-enable it ( default )
Once again, not sure if this will assist you , but cant hurt to try
Best Regards
I am still getting hangs with my flash plug in and it happens to be during these data downloads from the website cm.g.doublclick.net track invigorate html5shim.googlecode.com
also I send crash reports every day for at least 3 weeks - I have not received any updates??? wondering about that too....
Hi nanicraig, your crash reports are being compiled for refernece by the developers, but they do not respond with individual support. Could you post some of the crash IDs here? Please see my earlier post regarding where to get those IDs: https://support.mozilla.org/questions/985733#answer-532706
Because I don't want to release this info publicly I would really like to resolve this issue - I am not sure but what these IDs give personal info from my computer and although the forum boards are a great way to solve issues I would like to see if Mozilla can join in on this discussion and advise - because I have so many crashes over the same issue - is there an email or something to get help - the website only points all support issues to the community support - I am totally frustrated!
I appreciate your help - please don't misunderstand ...it appears you really do help out of the kindness of your heart but I am just not sure why after months and months of no resolve there isn't an escalation for issues unresolved???
Hi nancicraig, you can follow the links to the crash system and see what is there. Information about your operating system version, Firefox version, and active extensions are included. Your email address (if you gave it) and the site you were on (if you checked the box to include that), are suppressed from public viewing. However, your comments (if you entered any in the crash reporter box) are visible.
There are people escalating "top crashes". As you scroll down in the crash report, you may find that one or more bugs have been filed for the developers to work on.
Near the beginning of the table on the first tab is link called More Reports which takes you to a page where you can see other peoples' comments (this sometimes helps with spotting a pattern.