trying to sync or login to firefox on android
Trying to sync firefox on android with desktop firefox. 1. when I go to https://firefox.com/pair the scan code does not appear 2. when I try to login using email address ON ANDROID firefox - I'm not able to type anything - i.e. the android texting keyboard does not appear.
Signed Frustrated android user Sandy
All Replies (7)
Are you signed into your Firefox account in Firefox on your desktop?
yes I am signed into my Firefox account on my laptop/desktop. Any other suggestions?? :-)
Do you have any add-ons installed on the desktop copy of Firefox?
Seburo, Just two enabled add ons: Facebook container and Manuals Library Search Sandy
Can you try disabling those add-ons and trying again?
I did but same problem. Thanks for trying.....I'll try again after some I have some time to think about it.
Ok, no problem, still keen to help here but I am not sure what could be happening.