Problem with firefox
www.google.com.au uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate does not come from a trusted source. (Error code: sec_error_inadequate_key_usage).
My kids keep getting this message when they log into their user accounts and using firefox (IE11 works fine) >Firefox works fine from my administrator user account and this problem has only started recently . Their have been some Windows(8.1) updates that i can only think that coincide with this happening. I have tried everything possible to rectify to no avail "read as many forums that i can find on this topic and tried every possible work around"...i am no PC dummy. Please Help or its back to using Internet Explorer :(
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Can you post a screenshot with the full error message?
What's particularly important is the issuer of the troubled cert.
I can but will have to be tomorrow .Im now logged in on via my phone .More than just a cert issue, I think it's having a compatiblity problem with user accounts on Windows 8.1 happened since latest updates .Firefox runs fine on my user(Admin) account but not my kids limited user accounts.
hello, this may be caused by a windows update - please see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2965142/en-us#2 for details.
I think this might be the fix to the problem will have to look at this in the morning Thanks :)
Unfortunately i have hit a hurdle Importing Microsoft Family Certificate into Firefox .I can only export file in these formats .CER .P7B so when it comes to importing to Firefox it requires a .PKCS12 file.Even if i select all files that doesnt work either asks for encryption password. So much for Microsofts workaround any further assistance anyone
Hi davidthorpe, after clicking View Certificates, select the Servers tab. The import button for server certificates will accept your cer file.
Thanks for your input , i'm aware that servers can accept a cer file but in doing this doesnt resolve the problem with a child user ( Microsoft Family Safety )account .Only thing to do for now is to change user account from child to limited user.
Hi davidthorpe, I think I didn't explain that very well.
Firefox's View Certificate dialog has several tabs. The Your Certificates section requires the PKCS format, but the Servers section takes CER format. If you click the Servers tab you will see the buttons change. That is where you should import the IE CER certificate.
Or are you saying that even after successfully importing the CER certificate Firefox still won't browse secure sites?
Edit: Adding screen shot
Modificato da jscher2000 - Support Volunteer il
As I said what u suggest is not the fix for this issue.Yes server excepts cer files but adding it into there wouldnt and doesnt fix this particular issue .Thanks for your input
I'd expect the cert to be imported into FF is a CA cert. So it should go into the 'Authorities' tab.
After importing, make sure not to miss step 12 from the MS instructions.
In the Downloading Certificate dialog box, select the Trust this CA to identify web sites check box, and then click OK. Click OK again to exit the Certificate Manager.
No, doesnt work. Consulted microsoft all we could do to fix for now was to turn the child account to limited and thats good enough for me. Thanks for input anyway.