Why doesnt dwhelper save videos or pictures anymore
I open dwhelper and see the video or picture queued then shows as downloading . Once completed nothing is saved in the containing folder.
All Replies (5)
Can you explain what you are trying to download, and full details about what dwhelper is.
Please give the full title and version of the software and where its support site is. Have you asked on or researched the issue on dwhelper's support site ? Perhaps it is a DRM issue
I have tried all sorts of videos from facebook and bbc and also many from random search on google videos for drag racing. All have the same result shows downloading but nothing appears in the relavent folder.
dwhelper was downloaded from Firefox add ons video download helper signed. It has been nothing but trouble since the latest upgrade and on the last few version updates of Firefox.
A lot of the BBC site is intended to be streamed or downloaded with the aid of their own iPlayer software (Mainly for those in areas where BBC license fees are generally paid.)
The addon you are using then appears to be this one
- From: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper
- Home Page http://www.downloadhelper.net/
- Support http://www.downloadhelper.net/q_and_a.php
We may be able to help you with download problems on Firefox, but for specific problems with an addon you need to contact the addon support site as linked above.
For Firefox issues these articles may help
This is a very popular addon as you are told on the addons website. If you find known issues, or solutions to your problem from the downloadhelper website please post the links back here in your thread.
P.S. Old news item about BBC iPlayer
- BBC iPlayer Global App Hits The Wall In USA
Extensions that download videos from YouTube can get broken at any time because Google all the time makes changes the way the site works. I don't know if this happened in your case. I assume you mean this extension:
You can try this extension:
- Youtube Video and Audio Downloader: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/youtube-video-and-audio-dow/
Thanks for the replies but neither seem to work. The link to dwhelper is indeed the one i meant so I have tried reinstalling it still with no success.
I have found that IE downloads fine with real player as it used to here so I think until it starts to work with firefox I will have to use IE8.
Thanks again for your assistance