a problem including a file nsemail.html
Every time I send a email since the software update I get: There was a problem including the file file:///c:\docume~1/user/locals~1/temp/nsemail.html in the message. Would you like to continue sending the message without this File?
All Replies (13)
If it is just the one file I will shut up now.... I read it as a whole dorectory.
The file is what Thunderbird has always used to assemble your email for sending. NSTMP dates back to NetScape. It is not something new. it has been integral to the Netscape suite and is still so for Thunderbird. So no you can not configure Thunderbird to not use temp files anymore than you can do that with Microsoft Office.
Retry is exactly what it says it is. There was an error. Do you want the program to try again. It is however interesting that there was a problem saving just after you created that exception. what happens if your remove it. Temp files have a very short life. The NSTmp is about 1 minute or less. From the time you click send until the mail is actually sent. I am wondering if the exception is causing further problems or if the original issue masked this one.
Thanks Matt. Got it. It seems excluding that one file solves the first problem. As for the .Retry error it hasn't happened again and I haven't changed anything but to cancel the first message. It seems new messages are being saved in draft ok.
I suggest you restart your computer and then see how things go. Usually a retry message includes something like an arror saving to drafts. in this case the is no target for the error. Perhaps it was "just one of those things"
Ya might have been but I only got that since the other problem started and I've seen it regularly. might be the new avast since TB tries to save the draft an fkn avast complains...
by the way in troubleshooting the main problem i did a clean reinstall - compact - delete msf - clean registry - chkdsk/f - remove temp etc etc etc
what's your preferred antivirus Matt?
I use ESET nod32. Mainly because it does not get in my face and my wife does not complain about it. She was impressed when it started updating Windows for her, when it was installed, and then never got in the way again.
I have heard bad stories about their Suite however. But I think the same can be said about every "suite" they try to be everything to everyone and fail badly.
Anti virus programs should stick with what they know best and are good at. Firewalls are not their forte nor is breaking SSL security just so they can scan emails. (That is avast IIRC) Anything that leaves a backdoor is a risk. One of the other issues we are seeing at the moment are people not being able to get their mail after Mozilla fixed the LogJam security issue. The issue in a nut shell was a backdoor the US government insisted be in security software exported from the Us in the 1990s. They lifted their restriction in 2000. Now we are paying the price of that NSA inspired backdoor, 15 years latter.
thanks. I'll stick with AVAST for now and see how they resolve the case ... it's open -- but never seen such bad customer service (guy in India) -- I even had to tell him he was being lazy :) kept wanting to pass the buck.
> Hello and thanks for your reply, > We have just launched an important major update of the antivirus with > a number of improvements and compatibility fixes. > Please try to have it loaded via Avast Antivirus - Settings - Update > (Program) and reboot the PC, then check whether that eliminates the > problem. > If this does not help either, please create a support package. > For this download the Support package generator from > http://utils.support.tools.avast.com/tools/support/utils/avastsupport.exe > and run the tool > Click on Generate now button, let the program run and collect all the > data and then send me the generated *.zip file (it can be found by > simply clicking on the address and name of the resulting support > package in the Support package generator interface) in attachment to > your reply. > We will have this investigated ASAP. > Thank you! > > ----------- > > Best regards, > > Arina Zhdanova > Technical Support Specialist > > Avast Software s.r.o > Budejovická 1518/13A > 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Did you read my problem report Arina? In it I clearly stated the version number. I AM RUNNING THE LATEST VERSION ALREADY.
To Avast: "Hello. This is an urgent problem that effects millions of Thunderbird users who are using Avast. Please let me know the status of your investsigation.
Steven employee ID 5084 in tech support I can request the previous version of AVAST because the new one (10.3.2223) has a MAJOR bug.
I need to know how to get a previous version of Avast. Did he lie to me or feed me nonsense? Or are zou indeed able to send me an old version of Avast? How can I escalate this subject. I wasted more than 30 minutes on the phone and I don't like to get fed lies.
Please have a manager contact me and send me contact info for the office of your CEO if you're not able to resolve this issue and if you can't send me an old version which means Steven lied.
then they asked for screenshot. I sent + :
"Here you go -- see attached. This is an error that Thunderbird produces and it's ONLY there since Avast's latest version and it goes away if that file is excluded. There are other similar issues since AVAST's latest version but this is the core one and if you solve this others will go away.
TB uses this file in temp for a few seconds when sending a new mail."
I got the run around by lazy Indian support team who just wanted to pass the buck. Even escalation turned out to be useless -- they asked me to call back but that was like pulling teeth so I just gave up and uninstall that piece of crap. Now using Panda Free and it's good.
cindybeal said
Every time I send a email since the software update I get: There was a problem including the file file:///c:\docume~1/user/locals~1/temp/nsemail.html in the message. Would you like to continue sending the message without this File?
I am using Avast Anti Virus software.
See the information here https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Antivirus_Related_Performance_Issues#AVAST
Links to the Avast support forum and posts with suggested fixes. There is no point posting further to this thread.. If it affect you, check the link and seek support from Avast. Ohh and click the "I have this problem to" at the top of the thread as that lets us know how many people are affected by the issue listed.
tbrocks9 said
Oh of course Avast lets you exclude one file and not just whole directories so now i exclude C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\nsemail.html and it seems to work.
First I excluded the Thunderbird profile folder in Avast, as described in an earlier message, which didn't work by itself. Then I added a separate exclusion for the specific nsemail.html file in the Temp folder. You need to change the "*" to the file name. That worked, and it may be necessary to have both exclusions but I haven't tried a fix without excluding the TB profile folder, so I don't know if that's necessary.
To exclude in Avast, click on "Settings" in the menu and then scroll down to "Exclusions." You can use the browse feature to find the full path names, but remember in the Temp folder to change the "*" to the actual nsemail.html file name.
Finally, I have both an older XP operating system on one computer and Win7 on another. No problems on the Win7 system, so this problem may exist only with XP systems.