Unable to get my mails, even deleted and reconfigured the email account again.
Hey guys, Hi, its been years now I'm using thunderbird for my 7-8 emails accounts.... I have few issues: 1. Does thunderbird does not support Rediffmail...i mean i've an email account on rediffmail too...but not able to configure over thunderbird. 2. Does Thunderbird has some limitation in the form of maximum number of email accounts that can be configured ? 3. One particular gmail account of mine, i configured long back, everything was fine, then suddenly a day it stopped getting the mails (at thunderbird). I tried everything, even re-configured it again 2-3 times, but the problem prevails. Now only that account a had to login to the gmail only and access it. Any solution to it pls ?
Vimal Kumawat
Chartered Accountant
All Replies (1)
. 1. It looks like rediff mail supports pop, so does Thunderbird.
2. No. Is have heard of folks with undreds, but I really do not understand why.
3. have you enabled less secure apps on the gmail wen site? you need to unless you are using oAuth2.0 with IMAP.