With the latest update 52.5.2, the userChrome.css mod appears to now only work for FF, not TB.
on MacbookPro, osX 10.13.2, 15.5" retina monitor
The contents of my userChrome.css (it's in the right spot) file are:
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
- {
font-size:14pt!important; font-family:"Trebuchet MS";
This was working before latest update and is still effective in FF.
As a result, on my retina, the font being used for the message list is really, really small (see attached).
All Replies (2)
the screen cap of TB
The screen capture really needs to show some "normal" sized text as well, so we can compare.
userChrome.css is still working here in Linux, and yes, I'm using TB 52.5.2 as well. I am puzzled because those reporting this don't consistently mention upgrading. The failure appears to have manifested suddenly and without apparent cause.
Has your OS undergone any updates recently?