How can an addon with no ID be sideloaded?
We are trying to deploy Firefox to many computers on a network. We require several addons be installed as part of this automated rollout. We are following the method in this article: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Distribution_options/Sideloading_add-ons Under the "Installation using the standard extension folders" heading.
For one of our required addons, though, the manifest.json file inside the xpi archive does not contain an applications/gecko/id section. Is there a way to retrieve the ID some other way, or is there any other way to distribute the xpi and have Firefox install it for all users?
The target systems are running Redhat 7.6 Server if that is relevant.
All Replies (1)
See: Basic workflow with no add-on ID When do you need an add-on ID?