Line wrap length in HTML composition
In Thunderbird 78, while composing mail in HTML, is there a way to wrap long lines to, say 72 characters? It works only in plain text mode composition. In HTML, the line does not wrap.
I have tried all sorts of options including some of the legacy ones like "editor. htmlWrapColumn" and other related config editor options like wrap_to_window_width, etc. Nothing works.
I am looking for a way to insert a line break <br> tag after every 72 characters. Is there anyway in Thunderbird 78.*?
All Replies (2)
I think the simplest way is given here: https://superuser.com/a/521637 Compose html messages with something like ThunderHTMLedit and specify the width explicitly. Or, create a template with the width declaration entered by Insert/HTML... in an html message.
The only wrap preference that matters is mailnews.wraplength, that controls the width of composed plain text mail. The default is 72, and a value of 0 makes text wrap to the window width.
I have tried all those. But adding all such HTML tags is totally non-productive. The nearest solution I could get is add a property under Inline Styles. See the screenshot. But this approach does not solve the problem. Issue with this approach are:
- It is per message and not a global setting. Anyway to make it global?
- It still does not insert a <br>. All it does is add the "width" property and an e-Mail like MS Outlook may render it differently. But I am still OK with this, provided I can apply this setting globally.
Please help.