Lost bookmarks
Hello I use Windows 10 and Firefox for web browsing. My drop down bookmark menu has disappeared and I fear that all my bookmarks are lost. Is the latest upgrade is a redesign? Please can you tell me how to retrieve my bookmarks. Many thanks Helen Humphreys
All Replies (2)
Until an expert shows-up .... look at Bookmarks -- DOES Manage Bookmarks show? If YES /clk Import & Backup/ clk Restore .... do you see a column of bookmark bkups to Select one by date?
I use an app - Hekasoft Backup & Restore -- that amounts to a 5-10 second backup of the FF Profile, including Bookmarks. You NEED some Profile Backup schedule for such issues as this. Get some help if needed to install and use it - OR - just periodically Copy-Paste the FF Profile to a safe place.... https://hekasoft.com/hekasoft-backup-restore/
In the above Import-Export section Export allows bookmarks.html to be Backed-up to any folder you make. Importing these back for problem fix Adds TO what is already there / Restore erases what's there and writes in what is in the backup date chosen.
Can you open the Bookmarks Manager (Library) via the "Ctrl+Shift+O" shortcut ?
See also: